Database | Proc | Application | Created | Links |
sybsystemprocs | sp_helpextendedproc | 31 Aug 14 | Defects Dependencies |
1 2 3 create procedure sp_helpextendedproc 4 @esp_name varchar(255) = NULL /* esp name */ 5 as 6 7 declare @obj_id int 8 declare @maxlen int 9 10 if @@trancount = 0 11 begin 12 set chained off 13 end 14 15 set transaction isolation level 1 16 17 set nocount on 18 19 if @esp_name is NULL 20 begin 21 /* 22 ** If no @esp_name given, give a little info about all ESPs 23 ** in this database. ESPs are indentified by the following 24 ** conditions: 25 ** 1. The sysobjects row for the object must have a type 26 ** of `XP' 27 ** 2. The object must be a stored procedure, which is 28 ** determined by the systat field 29 ** of the sysobjects-row for this object: 30 ** sysstat & 15 = 4 stored procedure 31 ** 32 ** Note: 0x80f is the mask for sysstats (=2063decimal). 33 ** 800 is used by Stratus for external tables. 34 */ 35 select ESP_Name =, 36 DLL_Name = getdllname( 37 into #helpexten1rs 38 from sysobjects o 39 where (o.sysstat & 15) = 4 40 and o.type = 'XP' 41 /* Call object_id() so that the access permissions 42 ** of the current user will be validated. 43 */ 44 and = object_id(user_name(o.uid) + '.' + 45 exec sp_autoformat @fulltabname = #helpexten1rs, 46 @selectlist = "'ESP NAME' = ESP_Name, 'DLL Name' = DLL_Name", 47 @orderby = "order by DLL_Name" 48 drop table #helpexten1rs 49 end 50 else 51 begin 52 /* 53 ** Make sure the @esp_name is local to the current database. 54 */ 55 if @esp_name like "%.%.%" 56 begin 57 if substring(@esp_name, 1, charindex(".", @esp_name) - 1) != db_name() 58 begin 59 /* 17460, "Object must be in the current database." */ 60 raiserror 17460 61 return (1) 62 end 63 end 64 65 66 /* check that esp_name is a valid identifier */ 67 select @maxlen = length from syscolumns 68 where id = object_id("sysobjects") and name = "name" 69 if valid_name(@esp_name, @maxlen) = 0 70 begin 71 /* 72 ** 17240, "'%1!' is not a valid name." 73 */ 74 raiserror 17240, @esp_name 75 return (1) 76 end 77 78 if not exists (select * 79 from sysobjects 80 where id = object_id(@esp_name)) 81 begin 82 /* 83 ** The extended stored procedure '%1!' is not in sysobjects for this user. 84 */ 85 raiserror 18391, @esp_name 86 return (1) 87 end 88 89 select @obj_id = object_id(@esp_name) 90 91 select ESP_Name =, 92 DLL_Name = getdllname( 93 into #helpexten2rs 94 from sysobjects o 95 where (o.sysstat & 15) = 4 96 and o.type = 'XP' 97 and = object_id(@esp_name) 98 exec sp_autoformat @fulltabname = #helpexten2rs, 99 @selectlist = "'ESP Name' = ESP_Name, 'DLL Name' = DLL_Name" 100 drop table #helpexten2rs 101 102 end 103 104 return (0) 105
exec sp_procxmode 'sp_helpextendedproc', 'AnyMode' go Grant Execute on sp_helpextendedproc to public go
PROCS AND TABLES USED reads table sybsystemprocs..sysobjects reads table sybsystemprocs..syscolumns calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_autoformat reads table tempdb..syscolumns (1) read_writes table tempdb..#colinfo_af (1) calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_autoformat reads table master..syscolumns (1) reads table tempdb..systypes (1) reads table master..systypes (1) calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_namecrack writes table tempdb..#helpexten1rs (1) writes table tempdb..#helpexten2rs (1) |