sybsystemprocssp_jdbc_stored_procedures  31 Aug 14Defects Dependencies

1     /** SECTION END: CLEANUP **/
4     /*
5     ** Altered from the ODBC sp_jdbc_procedures defined in sycsp11.sql.
6     **
7     ** New column 'PROCEDURE_TYPE' was added to support JDBC spec. This
8     ** column is to indicate if the procedure returns a result. If 0,
9     ** column will be evalued as DatabaseMetadata.procedureResultUnknown;
10    ** this means that the procedure MAY return a result.
11    */
12    /*
13    ** Messages for 'sp_jdbc_stored_procedures'	18041
14    **
15    ** 18041, 'Stored Procedure qualifier must be name of current database.'
16    **
17    */
18    create procedure sp_jdbc_stored_procedures
19        @sp_qualifier varchar(32) = null, /* stored procedure qualifier; 
20        ** For the SQL Server, the only valid
21        ** values are NULL or the current 
22        ** database name
23        */
24        @sp_owner varchar(771) = null, /* stored procedure owner */
25        @sp_name varchar(771) = null, /* stored procedure name */
26        @version int = null, /* Conform to JDBC 4.0 spec if @version is not null*/
27        @functions int = 0 /* Call from getFunctions()? */
28    as
30        declare @msg varchar(90)
31        declare @uid int
32        declare @protecttype tinyint
33        declare @id int
34        declare @action smallint
35        declare @number smallint
36        declare @sequence int
39        if @@trancount = 0
40        begin
41            set chained off
42        end
44        set transaction isolation level 1
46        /* this will make sure that all rows are sent even if
47        ** the client "set rowcount" is differect
48        */
50        set rowcount 0
54        /* If qualifier is specified */
55        if @sp_qualifier is not null
56        begin
57            /* If qualifier doesn't match current database */
58            if db_name() != @sp_qualifier
59            begin
60                /* If qualifier is not specified */
61                if @sp_qualifier = ''
62                begin
63                    /* in this case, we need to return an empty 
64                    ** result set because the user has requested a 
65                    ** database with an empty name 
66                    */
67                    select @sp_name = ''
68                    select @sp_owner = ''
69                end
71                /* qualifier is specified and does not match current database */
72                else
73                begin
74                    /* 
75                    ** 18041, 'Stored Procedure qualifer must be name of
76                    ** current database'
77                    */
78                    exec sp_getmessage 18041, @msg out
79                    raiserror 18041 @msg
80                    return (1)
81                end
82            end
83        end
85        /* If procedure name not supplied, match all */
86        if @sp_name is null
87        begin
88            select @sp_name = '%'
89        end
91        /* If procedure owner not supplied, match all */
92        if @sp_owner is null
93            select @sp_owner = '%'
95        /* 
96        ** Retrieve the stored procedures and associated info on them
97        */
98        /*
100       ** get rows for public, current users, user's groups
101       */
103       if @functions = 0
104       begin
105           if (@version is not null)
106           begin
107               select PROCEDURE_CAT = db_name(),
108                   PROCEDURE_SCHEM = user_name(o.uid),
109                   PROCEDURE_NAME = + ';' + ltrim(str(p.number, 5)),
110                   num_input_params = - 1, /* Constant since value unknown */
111                   num_output_params = - 1, /* Constant since value unknown */
112                   num_result_sets = - 1, /* Constant since value unknown */
113                   REMARKS = convert(varchar(254), null), /* Remarks are NULL */
114                   PROCEDURE_TYPE = 0,
115                   SPECIFIC_NAME = + ';' + ltrim(str(p.number, 5))
116               from sysobjects o, sysprocedures p, sysusers u
117               where like @sp_name ESCAPE '\'
118                   and p.sequence = 0
119                   and user_name(o.uid) like @sp_owner ESCAPE '\'
120                   and o.type = 'P' /* Object type of Procedure */
121                   and =
122                   and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in 
123                   ** subquery 
124                   */
125                   and (suser_id() =
126                           (select uid from sysusers where suid = suser_id()) /* User is the System Administrator */
127                       or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */
128                       /* here's the the highest 
129                       ** precedence of permissions in the 
130                       ** order (user,group,public)  
131                       */
133                       /*
134                       ** The value of protecttype is
135                       **
136                       **      0  for grant with grant
137                       **      1  for grant and,
138                       **      2  for revoke
139                       **
140                       ** As protecttype is of type tinyint, protecttype/2 is
141                       ** integer division and will yield 0 for both types of
142                       ** grants and will yield 1 for revoke, i.e., when
143                       ** the value of protecttype is 2.  The XOR (^) operation
144                       ** will reverse the bits and thus (protecttype/2)^1 will
145                       ** yield a value of 1 for grants and will yield a
146                       ** value of zero for revoke.
147                       **
148                       ** Normal uids have values upto 16383, roles have uids
149                       ** from 16384 upto 16389 and uids of groups start from
150                       ** 16390 onwards.
151                       **
152                       ** If there are several entries in the sysprotects table
153                       ** with the same Object ID, then the following expression
154                       ** will prefer an individual uid entry over a group entry
155                       ** and prefer a group entry over a role entry.
156                       **
157                       ** For example, let us say there are two users u1 and u2
158                       ** with uids 4 and 5 respectiveley and both u1 and u2
159                       ** belong to a group g12 whose uid is 16390.  procedure p1
160                       ** is owned by user u0 and user u0 performs the following
161                       ** actions:
162                       **
163                       **      grant exec on p1 to g12
164                       **      revoke grant on p1 from u1
165                       **
166                       ** There will be two entries in sysprotects for the object
167                       ** p1, one for the group g12 where protecttype = grant (1)
168                       ** and one for u1 where protecttype = revoke (2).
169                       **
170                       ** For the group g12, the following expression will
171                       ** evaluate to:
172                       **
173                       **      (((+)*abs(16390-16383))*2) + ((1/2)^1))
174                       **      = ((14) + (0)^1) = 14 + 1 = 15
175                       **
176                       ** For the user entry u1, it will evaluate to:
177                       **
178                       **      (((+)*abs(4-16383)*2) + ((2/2)^1))
179                       **      = ((abs(-16379)*2 + (1)^1)
180                       **      = 16379*2 + 0 = 32758
181                       **
182                       ** As the expression evaluates to a bigger number for the
183                       ** user entry u1, select max() will chose 32758 which,
184                       ** ANDed with 1 gives 0, i.e., sp_jdbc_stored_procedures will
185                       ** not display this particular procedure to the user.
186                       **
187                       ** When the user u2 invokes sp_jdbc_stored_procedures, there is
188                       ** only one entry for u2, which is the entry for the group
189                       ** g12, and so this entry will be selected thus allowing
190                       ** the procedure in question to be displayed.
191                       **
192                       ** Notice that multiplying by 2 makes the number an
193                       ** even number (meaning the last digit is 0) so what
194                       ** matters at the end is (protecttype/2)^1.
195                       **
196                       */
198                       or ((select distinct max(((sign(p.uid) * abs(p.uid - 16383)) * 2)
199                           + ((p.protecttype / 2) ^ 1))
200                           from sysprotects p, sysusers u
201                           where action in (193, 224)
202                               and u.uid = user_id()
203                               and (p.uid = 0 /* get rows for public */
204                                   or p.uid = user_id() /* current user */
205                                   or p.uid = u.gid)
206                               and = /* outer join to correlate 
207                           ** with all rows in sysobjects 
208                           */
209                           ) & 1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */
210                       ) = 1) /* final Grants */
212           end /* End of if @version is not null */
213           else
214           begin
215               select PROCEDURE_CAT = db_name(),
216                   PROCEDURE_SCHEM = user_name(o.uid),
217                   PROCEDURE_NAME = + ';' + ltrim(str(p.number, 5)),
218                   num_input_params = - 1, /* Constant since value unknown */
219                   num_output_params = - 1, /* Constant since value unknown */
220                   num_result_sets = - 1, /* Constant since value unknown */
221                   REMARKS = convert(varchar(254), null), /* Remarks are NULL */
222                   PROCEDURE_TYPE = 0
223               from sysobjects o, sysprocedures p, sysusers u
224               where like @sp_name ESCAPE '\'
225                   and p.sequence = 0
226                   and user_name(o.uid) like @sp_owner ESCAPE '\'
227                   and o.type = 'P' /* Object type of Procedure */
228                   and =
229                   and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in 
230                   ** subquery 
231                   */
232                   and (suser_id() =
233                           (select uid from sysusers where suid = suser_id()) /* User is the System Administrator */
234                       or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */
235                       /* here's the the highest 
236                       ** precedence of permissions in the 
237                       ** order (user,group,public)  
238                       */
240                       /*
241                       ** The value of protecttype is
242                       **
243                       **      0  for grant with grant
244                       **      1  for grant and,
245                       **      2  for revoke
246                       **
247                       ** As protecttype is of type tinyint, protecttype/2 is
248                       ** integer division and will yield 0 for both types of
249                       ** grants and will yield 1 for revoke, i.e., when
250                       ** the value of protecttype is 2.  The XOR (^) operation
251                       ** will reverse the bits and thus (protecttype/2)^1 will
252                       ** yield a value of 1 for grants and will yield a
253                       ** value of zero for revoke.
254                       **
255                       ** Normal uids have values upto 16383, roles have uids
256                       ** from 16384 upto 16389 and uids of groups start from
257                       ** 16390 onwards.
258                       **
259                       ** If there are several entries in the sysprotects table
260                       ** with the same Object ID, then the following expression
261                       ** will prefer an individual uid entry over a group entry
262                       ** and prefer a group entry over a role entry.
263                       **
264                       ** For example, let us say there are two users u1 and u2
265                       ** with uids 4 and 5 respectiveley and both u1 and u2
266                       ** belong to a group g12 whose uid is 16390.  procedure p1
267                       ** is owned by user u0 and user u0 performs the following
268                       ** actions:
269                       **
270                       **      grant exec on p1 to g12
271                       **      revoke grant on p1 from u1
272                       **
273                       ** There will be two entries in sysprotects for the object
274                       ** p1, one for the group g12 where protecttype = grant (1)
275                       ** and one for u1 where protecttype = revoke (2).
276                       **
277                       ** For the group g12, the following expression will
278                       ** evaluate to:
279                       **
280                       **      (((+)*abs(16390-16383))*2) + ((1/2)^1))
281                       **      = ((14) + (0)^1) = 14 + 1 = 15
282                       **
283                       ** For the user entry u1, it will evaluate to:
284                       **
285                       **      (((+)*abs(4-16383)*2) + ((2/2)^1))
286                       **      = ((abs(-16379)*2 + (1)^1)
287                       **      = 16379*2 + 0 = 32758
288                       **
289                       ** As the expression evaluates to a bigger number for the
290                       ** user entry u1, select max() will chose 32758 which,
291                       ** ANDed with 1 gives 0, i.e., sp_jdbc_stored_procedures will
292                       ** not display this particular procedure to the user.
293                       **
294                       ** When the user u2 invokes sp_jdbc_stored_procedures, there is
295                       ** only one entry for u2, which is the entry for the group
296                       ** g12, and so this entry will be selected thus allowing
297                       ** the procedure in question to be displayed.
298                       **
299                       ** Notice that multiplying by 2 makes the number an
300                       ** even number (meaning the last digit is 0) so what
301                       ** matters at the end is (protecttype/2)^1.
302                       **
303                       */
305                       or ((select distinct max(((sign(p.uid) * abs(p.uid - 16383)) * 2)
306                           + ((p.protecttype / 2) ^ 1))
307                           from sysprotects p, sysusers u
308                           where action in (193, 224)
309                               and u.uid = user_id()
310                               and (p.uid = 0 /* get rows for public */
311                                   or p.uid = user_id() /* current user */
312                                   or p.uid = u.gid)
313                               and = /* outer join to correlate 
314                           ** with all rows in sysobjects 
315                           */
316                           ) & 1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */
317                       ) = 1) /* final Grants */
318               order by PROCEDURE_SCHEM, PROCEDURE_NAME
319           end /* End of else of "if @version is not null" */
320       end /* End of "if @functions =0" */
321       else
322       begin
323           select FUNCTION_CAT = db_name(),
324               FUNCTION_SCHEM = user_name(o.uid),
325               FUNCTION_NAME = user_name(o.uid) + '.' +,
326               REMARKS = convert(varchar(254), null), /* Remarks are NULL */
327               FUNCTION_TYPE = 1, /*functionNoTable*/
328               SPECIFIC_NAME = + ';' + ltrim(str(p.number, 5))
329           from sysobjects o, sysprocedures p, sysusers u
330           where like @sp_name ESCAPE '\'
331               and user_name(o.uid) like @sp_owner ESCAPE '\'
332               and o.type = 'SF' /* Object type of functions */
333               and =
334               and u.uid = user_id() /* constrain sysusers uid for use in 
335               ** subquery 
336               */
337               and p.sequence = 0
339               and (suser_id() =
340                       (select uid from sysusers where suid = suser_id()) /* User is the System Administrator */
341                   or o.uid = user_id() /* User created the object */
342                   /* here's the the highest 
343                   ** precedence of permissions in the 
344                   ** order (user,group,public)  
345                   */
347                   /* refer the logic for protecttype in the if part above */
348                   or ((select max(((sign(p.uid) * abs(p.uid - 16383)) * 2)
349                       + ((p.protecttype / 2) ^ 1))
350                       from sysprotects p, sysusers u
351                       where action in (193, 224)
352                           and (p.uid = 0 /* get rows for public */
353                               or p.uid = user_id() /* current user */
354                               or p.uid = u.gid)
355                           and = /* outer join to correlate 
356                       ** with all rows in sysobjects 
357                       */
358                       ) & 1 /* more magic...normalize GRANT */
359                   ) = 1) /* final Grants */
361       end /* End of else "if @functions =0" */

exec sp_procxmode 'sp_jdbc_stored_procedures', 'AnyMode'

Grant Execute on sp_jdbc_stored_procedures to public

 MEST 4 Empty String will be replaced by Single Space 61
 MEST 4 Empty String will be replaced by Single Space 67
 MEST 4 Empty String will be replaced by Single Space 68
 MINU 4 Unique Index with nullable columns sybsystemprocs..sysprotects sybsystemprocs..sysprotects
 QCAS 4 Cartesian product with single row between tables sybsystemprocs..sysobjects o and [sybsystemprocs..sysusers u], 5 tables with rc=1 107
 QCAS 4 Cartesian product with single row between tables sybsystemprocs..sysobjects o and [sybsystemprocs..sysusers u], 5 tables with rc=1 215
 QCAS 4 Cartesian product with single row between tables sybsystemprocs..sysobjects o and [sybsystemprocs..sysusers u], 5 tables with rc=1 323
 QPUI 4 Join or Sarg with Un-Rooted Partial Index Use SARG Candidate index: sysprocedures.csysprocedures unique clustered
(id, number, type, sequence)
Intersection: {sequence}
 QPUI 4 Join or Sarg with Un-Rooted Partial Index Use JOIN Candidate index: sysprotects.csysprotects unique clustered
(id, action, grantor, uid, protecttype)
Intersection: {uid}
Uncovered: [id, grantor, protecttype]
 QPUI 4 Join or Sarg with Un-Rooted Partial Index Use SARG Candidate index: sysprocedures.csysprocedures unique clustered
(id, number, type, sequence)
Intersection: {sequence}
 QPUI 4 Join or Sarg with Un-Rooted Partial Index Use JOIN Candidate index: sysprotects.csysprotects unique clustered
(id, action, grantor, uid, protecttype)
Intersection: {uid}
Uncovered: [id, grantor, protecttype]
 QPUI 4 Join or Sarg with Un-Rooted Partial Index Use SARG Candidate index: sysprocedures.csysprocedures unique clustered
(id, number, type, sequence)
Intersection: {sequence}
 QPUI 4 Join or Sarg with Un-Rooted Partial Index Use JOIN Candidate index: sysprotects.csysprotects unique clustered
(id, action, grantor, uid, protecttype)
Intersection: {uid}
Uncovered: [id, grantor, protecttype]
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..sp_jdbc_stored_procedures  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..sysobjects  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..sysprocedures  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..sysprotects  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..sysusers  
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check return value of exec 78
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 80
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 105
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 198
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 199
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 305
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 306
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 348
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 349
 QCRS 3 Conditional Result Set 107
 QCRS 3 Conditional Result Set 215
 QCRS 3 Conditional Result Set 323
 QDIS 3 Check correct use of 'select distinct' 198
 QDIS 3 Check correct use of 'select distinct' 305
 QGWO 3 Group by/Distinct/Union without order by 198
 QGWO 3 Group by/Distinct/Union without order by 305
 QISO 3 Set isolation level 44
 QNAJ 3 Not using ANSI Inner Join 116
 QNAJ 3 Not using ANSI Inner Join 200
 QNAJ 3 Not using ANSI Inner Join 223
 QNAJ 3 Not using ANSI Inner Join 307
 QNAJ 3 Not using ANSI Inner Join 329
 QNAJ 3 Not using ANSI Inner Join 350
 QNUA 3 Should use Alias: Table sybsystemprocs..sysusers 126
 QNUA 3 Should use Alias: Column action should use alias p 201
 QNUA 3 Should use Alias: Table sybsystemprocs..sysusers 233
 QNUA 3 Should use Alias: Column action should use alias p 308
 QNUA 3 Should use Alias: Table sybsystemprocs..sysusers 340
 QNUA 3 Should use Alias: Column action should use alias p 351
 QPNC 3 No column in condition 125
 QPNC 3 No column in condition 198
 QPNC 3 No column in condition 232
 QPNC 3 No column in condition 305
 QPNC 3 No column in condition 339
 QPNC 3 No column in condition 348
 QTJ1 3 Table only appears in inner join clause 350
 VUNU 3 Variable is not used @uid 31
 VUNU 3 Variable is not used @protecttype 32
 VUNU 3 Variable is not used @id 33
 VUNU 3 Variable is not used @action 34
 VUNU 3 Variable is not used @number 35
 VUNU 3 Variable is not used @sequence 36
 MRST 2 Result Set Marker 107
 MRST 2 Result Set Marker 215
 MRST 2 Result Set Marker 323
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 126
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 233
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 340
 MSUC 2 Correlated Subquery Marker 198
 MSUC 2 Correlated Subquery Marker 305
 MSUC 2 Correlated Subquery Marker 348
 MTR1 2 Metrics: Comments Ratio Comments: 65% 18
 MTR2 2 Metrics: Cyclomatic Complexity Cyclo: 8 = 8dec - 2exi + 2 18
 MTR3 2 Metrics: Query Complexity Complexity: 102 18
 PRED_QUERY_COLLECTION 2 {o=sybsystemprocs..sysobjects, p=sybsystemprocs..sysprocedures} 0 107
 PRED_QUERY_COLLECTION 2 {o=sybsystemprocs..sysobjects, p=sybsystemprocs..sysprotects, u=sybsystemprocs..sysusers} 0 198
 PRED_QUERY_COLLECTION 2 {o=sybsystemprocs..sysobjects, p=sybsystemprocs..sysprocedures} 0 215
 PRED_QUERY_COLLECTION 2 {o=sybsystemprocs..sysobjects, p=sybsystemprocs..sysprotects, u=sybsystemprocs..sysusers} 0 305
 PRED_QUERY_COLLECTION 2 {o=sybsystemprocs..sysobjects, p=sybsystemprocs..sysprocedures} 0 323
 PRED_QUERY_COLLECTION 2 {o=sybsystemprocs..sysobjects, p=sybsystemprocs..sysprotects, u=sybsystemprocs..sysusers} 0 348

calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_getmessage  
   reads table sybsystemprocs..sysusermessages  
   reads table master..sysmessages (1)  
   reads table master..syslanguages (1)  
   calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_validlang  
      reads table master..syslanguages (1)  
reads table sybsystemprocs..sysprotects  
reads table sybsystemprocs..sysprocedures  
reads table sybsystemprocs..sysusers  
reads table sybsystemprocs..sysobjects