sybsystemprocssp_monitor_archive  31 Aug 14Defects Dependencies

2     create procedure sp_monitor_archive(
3         @montype varchar(30) = NULL
4         , @archivecmd varchar(255) = NULL
5         , @trace int = NULL
6     ) as
7         begin
8             declare @whoami varchar(30)
9                 , @indent varchar(32)
10                , @retval int
11                , @mda_retval int
12                , @found_montype tinyint
14                , @opt_sep char(1)
15                , @charindex tinyint
16                , @archive_str varchar(7)
17                , @option_item varchar(30)
18                , @datestamp datetime
20                , @archive_syntax varchar(40)
22                -- We restrict this to a short string for 125.x due to the
23                -- limited tablename length.
24                --
25                , @arch_prefix_dflt varchar(8)
26                , @arch_prefix_maxlen int
27                , @arch_prefix varchar(30)
29                , @arch_dbname varchar(30)
30                , @baseprocname varchar(100)
31                , @archprocname varchar(60)
33                -- DB status flags
34                , @sel_into_ok int -- status word
35                , @user_proxy_db int
36                , @ha_proxy_db int
38                -- Variables to store status bit settings.
39                , @sel_into_flag int
40                , @proxy_db_flag int
42            select @whoami = object_name(@@procid, db_id('sybsystemprocs'))
43                , @indent = char(10) + space(2 * @@nestlevel)
44                , @archive_str = 'archive'
46                -- This will be the single timestamp used for all data archived
47                -- under this command. This way, this set of data can be all 
48                -- joined in one pass, using this common field.
49                --
50                , @datestamp = getdate()
52                -- Various status flags for database settings.
53                , @sel_into_ok = 4
54                , @user_proxy_db = 1
55                , @ha_proxy_db = 2
57                -- Assume error till we know that it's a valid monitoring type 
58                , @found_montype = 0
60            if (@montype IN ('deadlock'
61                    ))
62            begin
63                select @found_montype = 1
64            end
66            -- This means user asked to archive data for a monitoring type that is
67            -- an illegal monitoring type, or archiving for that type is currently
68            -- not supported. Raise an error and bail.
69            --
70            if (@found_montype = 0)
71            begin
72                select @archive_syntax = "sp_monitor 'help', '"
73                    + @archive_str
74                    + "'"
75                raiserror 19260, @archive_syntax
76                return 1
77            end
79            exec @retval = sp_monitor_check_permission @whoami
80            if (@retval != 0)
81                return @retval
83            -- Do routine monitoring specific validation for setup/configuration.
84            --  'archive' is not really a monitoring type, so instead pass-in a
85            -- dummy sproc name as the arg, which will be anyway ignored .
86            --
87            exec @retval = sp_monitor_verify_setup 'sp_monitor_archive'
89            exec @mda_retval = sp_monitor_verify_cfgval @montype
91            -- Bail out if there were any errors.
92            if (@retval != 0)
93                return @retval
94            else if (@mda_retval != 0)
95                return @mda_retval
97            if (@trace IS NULL)
98                exec @trace = sp_monitor_trace_level
100           if (@trace = 1)
101           begin
102               print "%1!---- Start Trace %2! montype='%3!' archivecmd='%4!' datestamp='%5!'"
103                   , @indent, @whoami
104                   , @montype
105                   , @archivecmd
106                   , @datestamp
107           end
109           if (@montype IS NULL)
110           begin
111               raiserror 18464, "'@monitoring_type'"
112               return 1
113           end
114           else if (@archivecmd IS NULL)
115           begin
116               raiserror 18464, "'@archivecmd'"
117               return 1
118           end
120           -- Always archive in the current db of the sproc's execution.
121           select @arch_dbname = db_name()
123           -- Disallow certain key system-dbs for archival uses.
124           if (@arch_dbname IN ('master'
125                       , 'model'
126                       , 'sybsystemprocs'
127                       , 'sybsystemdb'
128                       , 'sybsecurity'
129                   )
130               )
131           begin
132               raiserror 19492, @arch_dbname, "system"
133               return 1
134           end
136           -- Check if archive db allows for select-into and return error
137           -- now, to avoid future errors at run-time.
138           --
139           select @sel_into_flag = (d.status & @sel_into_ok)
140           from master.dbo.sysdatabases d
141           where name = @arch_dbname
143           if (@sel_into_flag != @sel_into_ok)
144           begin
145               exec sp_getmessage 19261, @baseprocname output
146               print @baseprocname, "sp_monitor", @archive_str,
147                   "sp_dboption", "select into"
149               -- Reuse @var to get string name for 17050.
150               exec sp_getmessage 17050, @baseprocname output
151               raiserror 19493, @arch_dbname, @baseprocname
152               return 1
153           end
155           -- check and disallow user- and HA-proxy dbs as an archive db.
156           --
157           select @proxy_db_flag = (d.status3 & (@user_proxy_db | @ha_proxy_db))
158           from master.dbo.sysdatabases d
159           where name = @arch_dbname
161           if (@proxy_db_flag IN (@user_proxy_db, @ha_proxy_db))
162           begin
163               raiserror 19492, @arch_dbname, "proxy"
164               return 1
165           end
167           select @archive_syntax = "'" + @archive_str + " [using prefix=<string>]'"
168           exec @retval = sp_monitor_parse_archive_cmd
169               @archivecmd
170               , @archive_str
171               , @archive_syntax
172               , @arch_prefix output
173               , @trace
174           if (@retval != 0)
175               return @retval
177           -- =================================================================
178           -- Call the monitoring-type specific archival routine
179           -- Currently, we only support archiving for one monitoring type.
180           -- In future, we might consider extending this to archive for 'all'
181           -- monitoring types in one go.
182           --
183           -- Build the procedure's name prefixed by the archive db name, so that
184           -- when we execute the specific archiving sproc, it will run in the
185           -- archive db. (We just have to append the monitoring type for each
186           -- type of monitoring whose data will be archived.)
187           --
188           select @baseprocname = @arch_dbname + ".." + "sp_mon_archive_"
190           if (@montype IN ('deadlock', 'all'))
191           begin
192               select @archprocname = @baseprocname + 'deadlock'
193                   , @found_montype = 1
195               -- The reason why we getdate() here and pass it all the way
196               -- down the stack is that sometime in the future when we
197               -- support archival for other monitoring types (or 'all')
198               -- we would like to keep the archive date across multiple tables
199               -- the same for all data that is being archived in one command.
200               --
201               exec @retval = @archprocname @arch_prefix
202                   , @datestamp
203                   , @trace
204               if (@retval != 0)
205                   return @retval
206           end
209           return @retval
210       end -- }

 MTYP 4 Assignment type mismatch @montype: varchar(10) = varchar(30) 89
 MTYP 4 Assignment type mismatch @arch_prefix: varchar(8) = varchar(30) 172
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..sysdatabases  
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check return value of exec 87
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check return value of exec 145
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check return value of exec 150
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets in create proc 2
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Begin-End Pair 7
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 60
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 70
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 80
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 92
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 94
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 97
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 100
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 109
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 114
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 124
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 143
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 161
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 174
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 190
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 204
 VNRD 3 Variable is not read @found_montype 193
 VUNU 3 Variable is not used @opt_sep 14
 VUNU 3 Variable is not used @charindex 15
 VUNU 3 Variable is not used @option_item 17
 VUNU 3 Variable is not used @arch_prefix_dflt 25
 VUNU 3 Variable is not used @arch_prefix_maxlen 26
 MDYE 2 Dynamic Exec Marker exec @retval 201
 MTR1 2 Metrics: Comments Ratio Comments: 34% 2
 MTR2 2 Metrics: Cyclomatic Complexity Cyclo: 8 = 15dec - 9exi + 2 2
 MTR3 2 Metrics: Query Complexity Complexity: 73 2

reads table master..sysdatabases (1)  
calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_monitor_trace_level  
calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_monitor_check_permission  
calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_monitor_parse_archive_cmd  
   calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_split_string  
   calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_spaceusage_processusing  
      calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_split_string  
calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_monitor_verify_cfgval  
   calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_monitor_getcfgval  
      reads table master..sysconfigures (1)  
      reads table master..syscurconfigs (1)  
calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_getmessage  
   calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_validlang  
      reads table master..syslanguages (1)  
   reads table sybsystemprocs..sysusermessages  
   reads table master..sysmessages (1)  
   reads table master..syslanguages (1)  
calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_monitor_verify_setup  
   calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_monitor_getcfgval  
   calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_monitor_getcfgnum  
      reads table master..sysconfigures (1)  
   reads table master..sysobjects (1)  

called by proc sybsystemprocs..sp_monitor_deadlock  
   called by proc sybsystemprocs..sp_monitor