Database | Proc | Application | Created | Links |
sybsystemprocs | sp_objectsegment | 31 Aug 14 | Defects Dependencies |
1 2 /* Sccsid = "%Z% generic/sproc/src/%M% %I% %G%" */ 3 /* 4.8 1.1 06/14/90 sproc/src/lock */ 4 5 /* 6 ** Messages for "sp_objectsegment" 17714 7 ** 8 ** LOCALIZE the following: 9 ** 10 ** select Data_located_on_segment =, When_created = crdate 11 ** 12 ** Data_located_on_segment 13 ** When_created 14 ** 15 ** 17714, "not applicable" 16 */ 17 18 /* 19 ** IMPORTANT NOTE: 20 ** This stored procedure uses the built-in function object_id() in the 21 ** where clause of a select query. If you intend to change this query 22 ** or use the object_id() or db_id() builtin in this procedure, please read the 23 ** READ.ME file in the $DBMS/generic/sproc directory to ensure that the rules 24 ** pertaining to object-id's and db-id's outlined there, are followed. 25 */ 26 27 create procedure sp_objectsegment 28 @objname varchar(767) /* table name */ 29 as 30 declare @msg varchar(30) -- Keep length short so that message comes 31 -- out nicely formatted. No need for 1024 here. 32 33 34 if @@trancount = 0 35 begin 36 set chained off 37 end 38 39 set transaction isolation level 1 40 41 /* 42 ** Print out the create date for each partition of the object 43 ** and it's data segment, if applicable. 44 */ 45 46 /* 47 ** Objects have the following value for sysstat & 15: 48 ** 15 is the max value for object type. 49 ** 0 - any/illegal object 50 ** 1 - system table 51 ** 2 - view 52 ** 3 - user table 53 ** 4 - sproc 54 ** 5 - NOT UNUSED 55 ** 6 - default 56 ** 7 - rule 57 ** 8 - trigger 58 ** 9 - referential constraint 59 ** 10 - check constraint 60 ** 11 - Extended type 61 ** 12 - stored function 62 ** 13 - computed column 63 ** 14 - Partition condition 64 */ 65 if exists (select * 66 from sysobjects 67 where id = object_id(@objname) 68 and sysstat & 15 in (1, 3)) 69 begin 70 select Partition_name =, 71 Data_located_on_segment =, 72 When_created = p.crdate 73 into #segresult 74 from syssegments s, syspartitions p 75 where = object_id(@objname) 76 and p.indid < 2 77 and p.segment = s.segment 78 79 exec sp_autoformat @fulltabname = '#segresult', 80 @orderby = 'order by 1' 81 end 82 83 /* 84 ** It's not a table so segment is not applicable. 85 */ 86 else 87 begin 88 /* 89 ** 17714, "not applicable" 90 */ 91 exec sp_getmessage 17714, @msg output 92 select Data_located_on_segment = @msg, 93 When_created = o.crdate 94 from sysobjects o 95 where = object_id(@objname) 96 end 97 98 return (0) 99 100
exec sp_procxmode 'sp_objectsegment', 'AnyMode' go Grant Execute on sp_objectsegment to public go
sp_objectsegment_rset_001 |
PROCS AND TABLES USED reads table sybsystemprocs..syssegments writes table tempdb..#segresult (1) reads table sybsystemprocs..syspartitions reads table sybsystemprocs..sysobjects calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_getmessage reads table sybsystemprocs..sysusermessages reads table master..sysmessages (1) calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_validlang reads table master..syslanguages (1) reads table master..syslanguages (1) calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_autoformat reads table tempdb..syscolumns (1) reads table master..systypes (1) read_writes table tempdb..#colinfo_af (1) calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_autoformat reads table master..syscolumns (1) reads table tempdb..systypes (1) calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_namecrack |