sybsystemprocssp_oledb_columns  31 Aug 14Defects Dependencies

3     /* Sccsid = "%Z% generic/sproc/%M% %I% %G% " */
4     /*      10.0        07/20/93        sproc/columns */
7     /* This is the version for servers which support UNION */
9     /* This routine is intended for support of oledb connectivity.  Under no
10    ** circumstances should changes be made to this routine unless they are
11    ** to fix oledb related problems.  All other users are at there own risk!
12    **
13    ** Please be aware that any changes made to this file (or any other oledb
14    ** support routine) will require Sybase to recertify the SQL server as
15    ** oledb compliant.  This process is currently being managed internally
16    ** by the "Interoperability Engineering Technology Solutions Group" here
17    ** within Sybase.
18    */
20    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_oledb_columns(
21        @table_name varchar(771) = null,
22        @table_owner varchar(32) = null,
23        @table_qualifier varchar(32) = null,
24        @column_name varchar(771) = null,
25        @is_ado int = 1,
26        @stripblanks int = 1)
27    AS
28        declare @full_table_name varchar(1543)
29        declare @table_id int
30        declare @char_bin_types varchar(32)
31        declare @startedInTransaction bit
33        if (@@trancount > 0)
34            select @startedInTransaction = 1
35        else
36            select @startedInTransaction = 0
38        set transaction isolation level 1
40        if (@startedInTransaction = 1)
41            save transaction oledb_keep_temptable_tx
43        /* character and binary datatypes */
44        select @char_bin_types =
45            char(47) + char(39) + char(45) + char(37) + char(35) + char(34)
46        create table #results_table
47        (TABLE_CATALOG varchar(32) null,
48            TABLE_SCHEMA varchar(32) null,
49            TABLE_NAME varchar(255) null,
50            COLUMN_NAME varchar(255) null,
51            COLUMN_GUID varchar(36) null,
52            COLUMN_PROPID int null,
53            ORDINAL_POSITION int null,
54            COLUMN_HASDEFAULT bit default 1 not null,
55            COLUMN_DEFAULT varchar(255) null,
56            COLUMN_FLAGS int null,
57            usertype int null,
58            IS_NULLABLE bit default 1 not null,
59            DATA_TYPE smallint null,
60            TYPE_GUID varchar(36) null,
61            CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH int null,
62            CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH int null,
63            NUMERIC_PRECISION smallint null,
64            NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX smallint null,
65            TYPE_NAME varchar(255) null,
66            NUMERIC_SCALE smallint null,
67            DATETIME_PRECISION int null,
68            CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG varchar(32) null,
69            CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA varchar(32) null,
70            CHARACTER_SET_NAME varchar(255) null,
71            COLLATION_CATALOG varchar(32) null,
72            COLLATION_SCHEMA varchar(32) null,
73            COLLATION_NAME varchar(32) null,
74            DOMAIN_CATALOG varchar(32) null,
75            DOMAIN_SCHEMA varchar(32) null,
76            DOMAIN_NAME varchar(32) null,
77            DESCRIPTION varchar(32) null,
78            tds_type smallint null,
79            id int null,
80            col_len int null,
81            sys_type smallint null,
82            row_id numeric(10) identity)
84        if @column_name is null /*	If column name not supplied, match all */
85            select @column_name = '%'
87        /* Check if the current database is the same as the one provided */
88        if @table_qualifier is not null
89        begin
91            if db_name() != @table_qualifier
92            begin /* 
93                ** If qualifier doesn't match current database 
94                ** force a no-row selection
95                */
96                goto SelectClause
97            end
98        end
100       if @table_name is null
101       begin /*	If table name not supplied, match all */
102           select @table_name = '%'
103       end
105       if @table_owner is null
106       begin /* If unqualified table name */
107           SELECT @full_table_name = @table_name
108       end
109       else
110       begin /* Qualified table name */
111           SELECT @full_table_name = @table_owner + '.' + @table_name
112       end
114       /* Get Object ID */
115       SELECT @table_id = object_id(@full_table_name)
118       /* If the table name parameter is valid, get the information */
119       if ((charindex('%', @full_table_name) = 0) and
120               (charindex('_', @full_table_name) = 0) and
121               @table_id != 0)
122       begin
124           insert into #results_table
125           SELECT /* INTn, FLOATn, DATETIMEn and MONEYn types */
126               TABLE_CATALOG = DB_NAME(),
127               TABLE_SCHEMA = USER_NAME(o.uid),
128               TABLE_NAME =,
129               COLUMN_NAME =,
130               COLUMN_GUID = convert(varchar(36), null),
131               COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int, null),
132               ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, c.colid),
133               COLUMN_HASDEFAULT = convert(bit, c.cdefault & 1),
134               COLUMN_DEFAULT = convert(varchar(254), null),
135               /*CT: IsNullable 0x20 (c.status&8 * 4),
136               MaybeNullable 0x40 (c.status&8* 8) - always MaybeNullable if IsNullable
137               IsFixedLength 0x10 - yes
138               IsLong 0x80 - no
139               */
140               COLUMN_FLAGS = convert(int, c.status & 8) * 12 + 16,
141               usertype = t.usertype,
142               IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit, c.status & 8),
143               DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, m.data_type),
144               TYPE_GUID = convert(varchar(36), null),
145               CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = convert(int, null), /*CT: only for char, binary and bit in oledb */
146               CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, null), /*CT: only for char, binary and bit in oledb */
147               /* CT: MONEYN, INTN, DATETIMN and FLOATN will all be included */
148               NUMERIC_PRECISION = isnull(convert(smallint, c.prec),
149                   isnull(convert(smallint, d.data_precision),
150                       convert(smallint, c.length)))
151               + isnull(d.aux, convert(smallint,
152                   ascii(substring("???AAAFFFCKFOLS",
153                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60)),
155               NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX = d.numeric_radix,
156               TYPE_NAME =
157               case
158                   when convert(bit, (c.status & 0x80)) = 1 then
159                   rtrim(substring(d.type_name,
160                           1 + isnull(d.aux,
161                               ascii(substring('III<<<MMMI<<A<A',
162                                       2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
163                                       1)) - 60), 18)) + ' identity'
164                   else
165                       rtrim(substring(d.type_name,
166                               1 + isnull(d.aux,
167                                   ascii(substring('III<<<MMMI<<A<A',
168                                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
169                                           1)) - 60), 18))
170               end,
171               NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, null), /*CT: only for decimal and numeric in oledb*/
172               /*CT: in ss_dtype 111, 109, 38, 110, only 111 has non null value for this item
173               it is the datetime type scale, UI4 type*/
174               DATETIME_PRECISION = case
175                   when d.ss_dtype = 111 /*CT:  also the type is changed to UI4*/
176                   then
177                   isnull(convert(int, c.scale),
178                       convert(int, d.numeric_scale))
179                   + convert(int,
180                   isnull(d.aux,
181                       ascii(substring("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<?",
182                               2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
183                               1)) - 60))
184                   else
185                       convert(int, null)
186               end,
188               CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG = null,
189               CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA = null,
190               CHARACTER_SET_NAME = null,
191               COLLATION_CATALOG = null,
192               COLLATION_SCHEMA = null,
193               COLLATION_NAME = null,
194               DOMAIN_CATALOG = null,
195               DOMAIN_SCHEMA = null,
196               DOMAIN_NAME = null,
197               DESCRIPTION = null, /* Description are NULL */
198               tds_type = c.type,
199               id =,
200               col_len = c.length,
201               sys_type = t.type
203           FROM
204               syscolumns c,
205               sysobjects o,
206               sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_datatype_info d,
207               systypes t,
208               sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_sybdrv m
209           WHERE
210      = @table_id
211               AND =
212               /*
213               ** We use syscolumn.usertype instead of syscolumn.type
214               ** to do join with systypes.usertype. This is because
215               ** for a column which allows null, type stores its
216               ** Server internal datatype whereas usertype still
217               ** stores its user defintion datatype.  For an example,
218               ** a column of type 'decimal NULL', its usertype = 26,
219               ** representing decimal whereas its type = 106 
220               ** representing decimaln. nullable in the select list
221               ** already tells user whether the column allows null.
222               ** In the case of user defining datatype, this makes
223               ** more sense for the user.
224               */
225               AND c.usertype = t.usertype
226               AND t.type = d.ss_dtype
227               AND like @column_name
228               --	AND d.ss_dtype IN (111, 109, 38, 110)	/* Just *N types */
229               AND d.ss_dtype IN (111, 109, 38, 110, 68) /* Just *N types */
230               AND c.usertype < 100 /* No user defined types */
231               AND m.type_name =
232               rtrim(substring(d.type_name,
233                       1 + isnull(d.aux,
234                           ascii(substring("III<<<MMMI<<A<A",
235                                   2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
236                                   1)) - 60), 18))
237           UNION
238           SELECT /* All other types including user data types */
239               TABLE_CATALOG = DB_NAME(),
240               TABLE_SCHEMA = USER_NAME(o.uid),
241               TABLE_NAME =,
242               COLUMN_NAME =,
243               COLUMN_GUID = convert(varchar(36), null),
244               COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int, null),
245               ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, c.colid),
246               COLUMN_HASDEFAULT = convert(bit, c.cdefault & 1),
247               COLUMN_DEFAULT = convert(varchar(254), null),
248               /*CT: IsNullable 0x20 (c.status&8 * 4),
249               MaybeNullable 0x40 (c.status&8* 8) - always MaybeNullable if IsNullable
250               IsFixedLength 0x10 - yes
251               IsLong 0x80 - no
252               */
253               COLUMN_FLAGS = convert(int, c.status & 8) * 12 +
254               case when c.type in (37, 39, 155, 34, 35, 174) then 0
255                   when c.type in (47) and (convert(int, c.status & 8) = 1) then 0
256                   else 16 end +
257               case when c.type in (34, 35, 174) then 128 /*text, image and unitext type*/
258                   else 0 end,
259               usertype = t.usertype,
260               IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit, c.status & 8),
261               DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, m.data_type),
262               TYPE_GUID = convert(varchar(36), null),
263               /*CT: only for char, binary and bit in oledb, see spec*/
264               CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = case
265                   when c.type in (135, 155)
266                   then
267                   (isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
268                       isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
269                           convert(int, c.length)))
270                   + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
271                       ascii(substring("???AAAFFFCKFOLS",
272                               2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60))) / 2
273                   when c.type in (47, 39, 45, 37, 35, 34, 50)
274                   then
275                   isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
276                       isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
277                           convert(int, c.length)))
278                   + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
279                       ascii(substring("???AAAFFFCKFOLS",
280                               2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60))
281                   else
282                       convert(int, null)
283               end,
285               /*
286               ** if the datatype is of type CHAR or BINARY
287               ** then set char_octet_length to the same value
288               ** assigned in the "prec" column.
289               **
290               ** The first part of the logic is:
291               **
292               **   if(c.type is in (47, 39, 45, 37, 35, 34))
293               **       set char_octet_length = prec;
294               **   if (c.type is in (135, 155)
295               **       set char_octet_length = prec * 2;
296               **   else
297               **       set char_octet_length = null;
298               */
299               CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = case
300                   when c.type in (47, 39, 45, 37, 35, 34, 50)
301                   then /*same size as the CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH */
302                   isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
303                       isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
304                           convert(int, c.length)))
305                   + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
306                       ascii(substring("???AAAFFFCKFOLS",
307                               2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60))
308                   when c.type in (135, 155)
309                   then /* CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH * 2 for the unichar, univarchar*/
310                   isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
311                       isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
312                           convert(int, c.length)))
313                   + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
314                       ascii(substring("???AAAFFFCKFOLS",
315                               2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60))
316                   else
317                       convert(int, null)
318               end,
319               NUMERIC_PRECISION = case
320                   when c.type in (47, 39, 45, 37, 35, 34, 135, 155, 50, 58, 61, 123, 147, 174)
321                   then convert(smallint, null)
322                   else
323                       isnull(convert(smallint, c.prec),
324                           isnull(convert(smallint, d.data_precision),
325                               convert(smallint, c.length)))
326                       + isnull(d.aux, convert(smallint,
327                           ascii(substring("???AAAFFFCKFOLS",
328                                   2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60))
329               end,
330               NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX = d.numeric_radix,
331               TYPE_NAME =
332               case
333                   when convert(bit, (c.status & 0x80)) = 1 then
334                   rtrim(substring(d.type_name,
335                           1 + isnull(d.aux,
336                               ascii(substring('III<<<MMMI<<A<A',
337                                       2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
338                                       1)) - 60), 18)) + ' identity'
339                   else
340                       rtrim(substring(d.type_name,
341                               1 + isnull(d.aux,
342                                   ascii(substring('III<<<MMMI<<A<A',
343                                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
344                                           1)) - 60), 18))
345               end,
347               NUMERIC_SCALE = case
348                   when c.type in (63, 108, 55, 106) then
349                   isnull(convert(smallint, c.scale),
350                       convert(smallint, d.numeric_scale)) +
351                   convert(smallint, isnull(d.aux,
352                       ascii(substring("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<?",
353                               2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
354                               1)) - 60))
355                   else
356                       convert(smallint, null)
357               end,
358               DATETIME_PRECISION = case
359                   when c.type in (58, 61, 123, 147, 111) then
360                   isnull(convert(int, c.scale),
361                       convert(int, d.numeric_scale)) +
362                   convert(int, isnull(d.aux,
363                       ascii(substring("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<?",
364                               2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
365                               1)) - 60))
366                   else
367                       convert(int, null)
368               end,
369               CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG = null,
370               CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA = null,
371               CHARACTER_SET_NAME = null,
372               COLLATION_CATALOG = null,
373               COLLATION_SCHEMA = null,
374               COLLATION_NAME = null,
375               DOMAIN_CATALOG = null,
376               DOMAIN_SCHEMA = null,
377               DOMAIN_NAME = null,
378               DESCRIPTION = null, /* Description are NULL */
379               tds_type = c.type,
380               id =,
381               col_len = c.length,
382               sys_type = t.type
385           FROM
386               syscolumns c,
387               sysobjects o,
388               sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_datatype_info d,
389               systypes t,
390               sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_sybdrv m
391           WHERE
392      = @table_id
393               AND =
394               /*
395               ** We use syscolumn.usertype instead of syscolumn.type
396               ** to do join with systypes.usertype. This is because
397               ** for a column which allows null, type stores its
398               ** Server internal datatype whereas usertype still
399               ** stores its user defintion datatype.  For an example,
400               ** a column of type 'decimal NULL', its usertype = 26,
401               ** representing decimal whereas its type = 106 
402               ** representing decimaln. nullable in the select list
403               ** already tells user whether the column allows null.
404               ** In the case of user defining datatype, this makes
405               ** more sense for the user.
406               */
407               AND c.usertype = t.usertype
408               /*
409               ** We need a equality join with 
410               ** sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_datatype_info here so that
411               ** there is only one qualified row returned from 
412               ** sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_datatype_info, thus avoiding
413               ** duplicates.
414               */
415               AND t.type = d.ss_dtype
416               AND like @column_name
417               --	AND (d.ss_dtype NOT IN (111, 109, 38, 110) /* No *N types */
418               AND (d.ss_dtype NOT IN (111, 109, 38, 110, 68) /* No *N types */
420                   OR c.usertype >= 100) /* User defined types */
421               AND m.type_name =
422               rtrim(substring(d.type_name,
423                       1 + isnull(d.aux,
424                           ascii(substring("III<<<MMMI<<A<A",
425                                   2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
426                                   1)) - 60), 18))
429       end
430       else
431       begin
432           /* 
433           ** This block is for the case where there IS pattern
434           ** matching done on the table name. 
435           */
436           if @table_owner is null /* If owner not supplied, match all */
437               select @table_owner = '%'
439           insert into #results_table
440           SELECT /* INTn, FLOATn, DATETIMEn and MONEYn types */
441               TABLE_CATALOG = DB_NAME(),
442               TABLE_SCHEMA = USER_NAME(o.uid),
443               TABLE_NAME =,
444               COLUMN_NAME =,
445               COLUMN_GUID = convert(varchar(36), null),
446               COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int, null),
447               ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, c.colid),
448               COLUMN_HASDEFAULT = convert(bit, c.cdefault & 1),
449               COLUMN_DEFAULT = convert(varchar(254), null),
450               /*CT: IsNullable 0x20 (c.status&8 * 4),
451               MaybeNullable 0x40 (c.status&8* 8) - always MaybeNullable if IsNullable
452               IsFixedLength 0x10 - yes
453               IsLong 0x80 - no
454               */
455               COLUMN_FLAGS = convert(int, c.status & 8) * 12 + 16,
456               usertype = t.usertype,
457               IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit, c.status & 8),
458               DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, m.data_type),
459               TYPE_GUID = convert(varchar(36), null),
460               CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = convert(int, null), /*CT: only for char, binary and bit in oledb */
461               CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = convert(int, null), /*CT: only for char, binary and bit in oledb */
462               /* CT: MONEYN, INTN, DATETIMN and FLOATN will all be included */
463               NUMERIC_PRECISION = isnull(convert(smallint, c.prec),
464                   isnull(convert(smallint, d.data_precision),
465                       convert(smallint, c.length)))
466               + isnull(d.aux, convert(smallint,
467                   ascii(substring("???AAAFFFCKFOLS",
468                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60)),
469               NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX = d.num_prec_radix,
470               TYPE_NAME =
471               case
472                   when convert(bit, (c.status & 0x80)) = 1 then
473                   rtrim(substring(d.type_name,
474                           1 + isnull(d.aux,
475                               ascii(substring('III<<<MMMI<<A<A',
476                                       2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
477                                       1)) - 60), 18)) + ' identity'
478                   else
479                       rtrim(substring(d.type_name,
480                               1 + isnull(d.aux,
481                                   ascii(substring('III<<<MMMI<<A<A',
482                                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
483                                           1)) - 60), 18))
484               end,
485               NUMERIC_SCALE = convert(smallint, null), /*CT: only for decimal and numeric in oledb*/
486               /*CT: in ss_dtype 111, 109, 38, 110, only 111 has non null value for this item
487               it is the datetime type scale, UI4 type*/
488               DATETIME_PRECISION = case
489                   when d.ss_dtype = 111 /*CT:  also the type is changed to UI4*/
490                   then
491                   isnull(convert(int, c.scale),
492                       convert(int, d.numeric_scale))
493                   + convert(int,
494                   isnull(d.aux,
495                       ascii(substring("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<?",
496                               2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
497                               1)) - 60))
498                   else
499                       convert(int, null)
500               end,
501               CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG = null,
502               CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA = null,
503               CHARACTER_SET_NAME = null,
504               COLLATION_CATALOG = null,
505               COLLATION_SCHEMA = null,
506               COLLATION_NAME = null,
507               DOMAIN_CATALOG = null,
508               DOMAIN_SCHEMA = null,
509               DOMAIN_NAME = null,
510               DESCRIPTION = null, /* Description are NULL */
511               tds_type = c.type,
512               id =,
513               col_len = c.length,
514               sys_type = t.type
516           FROM
517               syscolumns c,
518               sysobjects o,
519               sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_datatype_info d,
520               systypes t,
521               sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_sybdrv m
522           WHERE
523      like @table_name
524               AND user_name(o.uid) like @table_owner
525               AND =
526               /*
527               ** We use syscolumn.usertype instead of syscolumn.type
528               ** to do join with systypes.usertype. This is because
529               ** for a column which allows null, type stores its
530               ** Server internal datatype whereas usertype still
531               ** stores its user defintion datatype.  For an example,
532               ** a column of type 'decimal NULL', its usertype = 26,
533               ** representing decimal whereas its type = 106 
534               ** representing decimaln. nullable in the select list
535               ** already tells user whether the column allows null.
536               ** In the case of user defining datatype, this makes
537               ** more sense for the user.
538               */
539               AND c.usertype = t.usertype
540               AND t.type = d.ss_dtype
541               AND o.type != 'P'
542               AND like @column_name
543               --	AND d.ss_dtype IN (111, 109, 38, 110)	/* Just *N types */
544               AND d.ss_dtype IN (111, 109, 38, 110, 68) /* Just *N types */
545               AND c.usertype < 100
546               AND m.type_name =
547               rtrim(substring(d.type_name,
548                       1 + isnull(d.aux,
549                           ascii(substring("III<<<MMMI<<A<A",
550                                   2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
551                                   1)) - 60), 18))
552           UNION
553           SELECT /* All other types including user data types */
554               TABLE_CATALOG = DB_NAME(),
555               TABLE_SCHEMA = USER_NAME(o.uid),
556               TABLE_NAME =,
557               COLUMN_NAME =,
558               COLUMN_GUID = convert(varchar(36), null),
559               COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int, null),
560               ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, c.colid),
561               COLUMN_HASDEFAULT = convert(bit, c.cdefault & 1),
562               COLUMN_DEFAULT = convert(varchar(254), null),
563               /*CT: IsNullable 0x20 (c.status&8 * 4),
564               MaybeNullable 0x40 (c.status&8* 8) - always MaybeNullable if IsNullable
565               IsFixedLength 0x10 - yes
566               IsLong 0x80 - no
567               */
568               COLUMN_FLAGS = convert(int, c.status & 8) * 12 +
569               case when c.type in (37, 39, 155, 34, 35, 174) then 0
570                   when c.type in (47) and (convert(int, c.status & 8) = 1) then 0
571                   else 16 end +
572               case when c.type in (34, 35, 174) then 128 /*text, image and unitext type*/
573                   else 0 end,
574               usertype = t.usertype,
575               IS_NULLABLE = convert(bit, c.status & 8),
576               DATA_TYPE = convert(smallint, m.data_type),
577               TYPE_GUID = convert(varchar(36), null),
578               /*CT: only for char, binary and bit in oledb, see spec*/
579               CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = case
580                   when c.type in (135, 155)
581                   then
582                   (isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
583                       isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
584                           convert(int, c.length)))
585                   + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
586                       ascii(substring("???AAAFFFCKFOLS",
587                               2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60))) / 2
588                   when c.type in (47, 39, 45, 37, 35, 34, 50)
589                   then
590                   isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
591                       isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
592                           convert(int, c.length)))
593                   + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
594                       ascii(substring("???AAAFFFCKFOLS",
595                               2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60))
596                   else
597                       convert(int, null)
598               end,
600               /*
601               ** if the datatype is of type CHAR or BINARY
602               ** then set char_octet_length to the same value
603               ** assigned in the "prec" column.
604               **
605               ** The first part of the logic is:
606               **
607               **   if(c.type in (47, 39, 45, 37, 35, 34))
608               **       set char_octet_length = prec;
609               **   if (c.type in (135, 155)
610               **       set char_octet_length = prec * 2;
611               **   else
612               **       set char_octet_length = null;
613               */
614               CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH = case
615                   when c.type in (47, 39, 45, 37, 35, 34, 50)
616                   then /*same size as the CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH */
617                   isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
618                       isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
619                           convert(int, c.length)))
620                   + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
621                       ascii(substring("???AAAFFFCKFOLS",
622                               2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60))
623                   when c.type in (135, 155)
624                   then /* CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH * 2 for the unichar, univarchar*/
625                   isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
626                       isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
627                           convert(int, c.length)))
628                   + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
629                       ascii(substring("???AAAFFFCKFOLS",
630                               2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60))
631                   else
632                       convert(int, null)
633               end,
634               NUMERIC_PRECISION = case
635                   when c.type in (47, 39, 45, 37, 35, 34, 135, 155, 50, 58, 61, 123, 147, 174)
636                   then convert(smallint, null)
637                   else
638                       isnull(convert(smallint, c.prec),
639                           isnull(convert(smallint, d.data_precision),
640                               convert(smallint, c.length)))
641                       + isnull(d.aux, convert(smallint,
642                           ascii(substring("???AAAFFFCKFOLS",
643                                   2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60))
644               end,
645               NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX = d.numeric_radix,
646               TYPE_NAME =
647               case
648                   when convert(bit, (c.status & 0x80)) = 1 then
649                   rtrim(substring(d.type_name,
650                           1 + isnull(d.aux,
651                               ascii(substring('III<<<MMMI<<A<A',
652                                       2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
653                                       1)) - 60), 18)) + ' identity'
654                   else
655                       rtrim(substring(d.type_name,
656                               1 + isnull(d.aux,
657                                   ascii(substring('III<<<MMMI<<A<A',
658                                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
659                                           1)) - 60), 18))
660               end,
661               NUMERIC_SCALE = case
662                   when c.type in (63, 108, 55, 106) then
663                   isnull(convert(smallint, c.scale),
664                       convert(smallint, d.numeric_scale)) +
665                   convert(smallint, isnull(d.aux,
666                       ascii(substring("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<?",
667                               2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
668                               1)) - 60))
669                   else
670                       convert(smallint, null)
671               end,
672               DATETIME_PRECISION = case
673                   when c.type in (58, 61, 123, 147, 111) then
674                   isnull(convert(int, c.scale),
675                       convert(int, d.numeric_scale)) +
676                   convert(int, isnull(d.aux,
677                       ascii(substring("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<?",
678                               2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
679                               1)) - 60))
680                   else
681                       convert(int, null)
682               end,
683               CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG = null,
684               CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA = null,
685               CHARACTER_SET_NAME = null,
686               COLLATION_CATALOG = null,
687               COLLATION_SCHEMA = null,
688               COLLATION_NAME = null,
689               DOMAIN_CATALOG = null,
690               DOMAIN_SCHEMA = null,
691               DOMAIN_NAME = null,
692               DESCRIPTION = null,
693               tds_type = c.type,
694               id =,
695               col_len = c.length,
696               sys_type = t.type
698           FROM
699               syscolumns c,
700               sysobjects o,
701               sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_datatype_info d,
702               systypes t,
703               sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_sybdrv m
704           WHERE
705      like @table_name
706               AND user_name(o.uid) like @table_owner
707               AND =
708               /*
709               ** We use syscolumn.usertype instead of syscolumn.type
710               ** to do join with systypes.usertype. This is because
711               ** for a column which allows null, type stores its
712               ** Server internal datatype whereas usertype still
713               ** stores its user defintion datatype.  For an example,
714               ** a column of type 'decimal NULL', its usertype = 26,
715               ** representing decimal whereas its type = 106 
716               ** representing decimaln. nullable in the select list
717               ** already tells user whether the column allows null.
718               ** In the case of user defining datatype, this makes
719               ** more sense for the user.
720               */
721               AND c.usertype = t.usertype
722               /*
723               ** We need a equality join with 
724               ** sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_datatype_info here so that
725               ** there is only one qualified row returned from 
726               ** sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_datatype_info, thus avoiding
727               ** duplicates.
728               */
729               AND t.type = d.ss_dtype
730               AND like @column_name
731               AND o.type != 'P'
732               AND like @column_name
733               --	AND (d.ss_dtype NOT IN (111, 109, 38, 110) /* No *N types */
734               AND (d.ss_dtype NOT IN (111, 109, 38, 110, 68) /* No *N types */
736                   OR c.usertype >= 100) /* User defined types */
737               AND m.type_name =
738               rtrim(substring(d.type_name,
739                       1 + isnull(d.aux,
740                           ascii(substring("III<<<MMMI<<A<A",
741                                   2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
742                                   1)) - 60), 18))
745       end
747   SelectClause:
749       /*  usertype 3 (binary) , 80 (timestamp) */
750       UPDATE #results_table set COLUMN_FLAGS = 112 where usertype in (3) and IS_NULLABLE = 0
751       UPDATE #results_table set DATA_TYPE = 4 where DATA_TYPE = 5 and tds_type = 59
752       UPDATE #results_table set DATA_TYPE = 4 where DATA_TYPE = 5 and col_len = 4
753       UPDATE #results_table set COLUMN_FLAGS = 112 where COLUMN_FLAGS = 96 and sys_type = 47 and DATA_TYPE = 129 and not (IS_NULLABLE = 1 and @stripblanks = 1)
754       UPDATE #results_table set COLUMN_FLAGS = 112 where COLUMN_FLAGS = 96 and sys_type = 135 and DATA_TYPE = 130 and not (IS_NULLABLE = 1 and @stripblanks = 1)
755       UPDATE #results_table set COLUMN_FLAGS = 112 where COLUMN_FLAGS = 16 and tds_type = 62 and DATA_TYPE = 5
756       UPDATE #results_table set COLUMN_FLAGS = 112 where COLUMN_FLAGS = 16 and tds_type = 59 and DATA_TYPE = 4
757       if (@is_ado = 1)
758       begin
759           select TABLE_CATALOG,
760               TABLE_SCHEMA,
761               TABLE_NAME,
762               COLUMN_NAME,
763               COLUMN_GUID,
764               COLUMN_PROPID,
765               ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, row_id),
766               COLUMN_HASDEFAULT,
767               COLUMN_DEFAULT,
768               COLUMN_FLAGS,
769               -- 	USERTYPE = usertype,
770               IS_NULLABLE,
771               DATA_TYPE,
772               --TYPE_NAME,
773               TYPE_GUID,
775               CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH,
776               NUMERIC_PRECISION,
777               --	NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX,
778               NUMERIC_SCALE,
779               DATETIME_PRECISION,
780               CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG,
781               CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA,
782               CHARACTER_SET_NAME,
783               COLLATION_CATALOG,
784               COLLATION_SCHEMA,
785               COLLATION_NAME,
786               DOMAIN_CATALOG,
787               DOMAIN_SCHEMA,
788               DOMAIN_NAME,
789               DESCRIPTION
790           -- 	TDSTYPE = tds_type,
791           -- 	COLID = id,
792           --	COLLEN = col_len
794           FROM
795               #results_table
798       end
799       else
800       if (@is_ado = 2)
801       begin
802           select TABLE_CATALOG,
803               TABLE_SCHEMA,
804               TABLE_NAME,
805               COLUMN_NAME,
806               COLUMN_GUID,
807               COLUMN_PROPID,
808               ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, row_id),
809               COLUMN_HASDEFAULT,
810               COLUMN_DEFAULT,
811               COLUMN_FLAGS,
812               -- 	USERTYPE = usertype,
813               IS_NULLABLE,
814               --DATA_TYPE ,
815               TYPE_NAME,
816               TYPE_GUID,
818               CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH,
819               NUMERIC_PRECISION,
820               NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX,
821               NUMERIC_SCALE,
822               DATETIME_PRECISION,
823               CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG,
824               CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA,
825               CHARACTER_SET_NAME,
826               COLLATION_CATALOG,
827               COLLATION_SCHEMA,
828               COLLATION_NAME,
829               DOMAIN_CATALOG,
830               DOMAIN_SCHEMA,
831               DOMAIN_NAME,
832               DESCRIPTION
833           -- 	TDSTYPE = tds_type,
834           -- 	COLID = id,
835           --	COLLEN = col_len
837           FROM
838               #results_table
840       end
843       if (@startedInTransaction = 1)
844           rollback transaction oledb_keep_temptable_tx
846       return (0)

exec sp_procxmode 'sp_oledb_columns', 'AnyMode'

Grant Execute on sp_oledb_columns to public

 QJWI 5 Join or Sarg Without Index 226
 QJWI 5 Join or Sarg Without Index 231
 QJWI 5 Join or Sarg Without Index 415
 QJWI 5 Join or Sarg Without Index 421
 QJWI 5 Join or Sarg Without Index 540
 QJWI 5 Join or Sarg Without Index 546
 QJWI 5 Join or Sarg Without Index 729
 QJWI 5 Join or Sarg Without Index 737
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: tinyint vs int 175
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 230
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 420
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: tinyint vs int 489
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 545
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 736
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 751
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 752
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 753
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 754
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 755
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 756
 TNOI 4 Table with no index sybsystemprocs..spt_datatype_info sybsystemprocs..spt_datatype_info
 MBLI 3 Integer Value of Binary Literal is Platform Dependant 158
 MBLI 3 Integer Value of Binary Literal is Platform Dependant 333
 MBLI 3 Integer Value of Binary Literal is Platform Dependant 472
 MBLI 3 Integer Value of Binary Literal is Platform Dependant 648
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..sp_oledb_columns  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..spt_datatype_info  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..spt_sybdrv  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..syscolumns  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..sysobjects  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..systypes  
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 124
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 439
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after update 750
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after update 751
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after update 752
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after update 753
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after update 754
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after update 755
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after update 756
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets in create proc 20
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 33
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 40
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 119
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 757
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 800
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 843
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 846
 MUTI 3 Update temptable with identity - 12.5.4 Regression 750
 MUTI 3 Update temptable with identity - 12.5.4 Regression 751
 MUTI 3 Update temptable with identity - 12.5.4 Regression 752
 MUTI 3 Update temptable with identity - 12.5.4 Regression 753
 MUTI 3 Update temptable with identity - 12.5.4 Regression 754
 MUTI 3 Update temptable with identity - 12.5.4 Regression 755
 MUTI 3 Update temptable with identity - 12.5.4 Regression 756
 QCRS 3 Conditional Result Set 759
 QCRS 3 Conditional Result Set 802
 QISO 3 Set isolation level 38
 QNAJ 3 Not using ANSI Inner Join 203
 QNAJ 3 Not using ANSI Inner Join 385
 QNAJ 3 Not using ANSI Inner Join 516
 QNAJ 3 Not using ANSI Inner Join 698
 QPNC 3 No column in condition 753
 QPNC 3 No column in condition 754
 QRPR 3 Repeated predicate like @column_name 732
 QUNI 3 Check Use of 'union' vs 'union all' 125
 QUNI 3 Check Use of 'union' vs 'union all' 440
 VNRD 3 Variable is not read @char_bin_types 44
 MRST 2 Result Set Marker 759
 MRST 2 Result Set Marker 802
 MTR1 2 Metrics: Comments Ratio Comments: 27% 20
 MTR2 2 Metrics: Cyclomatic Complexity Cyclo: 15 = 14dec - 1exi + 2 20
 MTR3 2 Metrics: Query Complexity Complexity: 178 20

reads table sybsystemprocs..sysobjects  
reads table sybsystemprocs..syscolumns  
reads table sybsystemprocs..systypes  
read_writes table tempdb..#results_table (1) 
reads table sybsystemprocs..spt_datatype_info  
reads table sybsystemprocs..spt_sybdrv