sybsystemprocssp_spaceusage_object_populate  31 Aug 14Defects Dependencies

2     /*
4     **
5     **	The sub-procedure that populates the temporary table #spaceusageinfo 
6     **	with computed space usage information based on the raw space usage 
7     **	information already in it. This is applicable only for the "display", 
8     **	"display summary" and "archive" action. Called by sp_spaceusage_object.
9     **
10    **	Parameters
11    **		None.	
12    **
13    **	Returns
14    **		0 - if all goes well
15    **	    other - error while execution 
16    {
17    */
18    create procedure sp_spaceusage_object_populate
19    as
20        begin -- {	
22            declare
23                @objid int
24                , @indid int
25                , @ptnid int
26                , @lockscheme tinyint
28                , @syscur_ffactor float -- server-wide fill factor %
29                , @syscur_ers_pct float -- server-wide exp row size %
31                , @datalayerpages int
32                , @datapartitionid int
33                , @numrowscovered float
34                , @indexrowsize float
36                , @numpagesPerExtent int
37                , @numextent0 int
38                , @dummyindexlevel smallint
39                , @aplpagehdrsize tinyint
40                , @dolpagehdrsize tinyint
42                , @returnStatus int
43                , @msg varchar(256)
45            select @dummyindexlevel = - 1
46                , @numpagesPerExtent = 8
47                , @numextent0 = 1
48                , @aplpagehdrsize = 32
49                , @dolpagehdrsize = 44
51            /* 
52            ** Get the current server wide default value for the ERS and FF. 
53            **
54            ** NOTE: These values are not available in syscurconfigs, and hence,
55            ** need to get them from sysconfigures.
56            */
57            select @syscur_ers_pct = value / 100.0
58            from master.dbo.sysconfigures
59            where comment = 'default exp_row_size percent'
61            select @syscur_ffactor = value / 100.0
62            from master.dbo.sysconfigures
63            where comment = 'default fill factor percent'
65            /* 
66            ** If not set(NULL), or set to 0 or NULL, handle it apprpriately as this
67            ** will be used later during space calculations.
68            */
69            select @syscur_ffactor = case @syscur_ffactor
70                    when NULL then 1
71                    when 0 then 1
72                    else @syscur_ffactor
73                end
75            select @syscur_ers_pct = case @syscur_ers_pct
76                    when NULL then 0
77                    when 1 then 0
78                    else @syscur_ers_pct
79                end
82            /*	
83            ** Pull out space utilizaton and cluster ratio using the derived_stat()
84            ** built-in. This may need to be converted into appropriate format 
85            ** before display to be in synch with other related output columns. 
86            ** Also, the derived_stat() built-in requires SA role (for objects not 
87            ** owned by the user running the built-in) and will be displayed only 
88            ** when this sproc is run with that role. Else, it will show 0.
89            */
90            update #spaceusageinfo
91            set SpUtil = convert(decimal(9, 2),
92                100 * derived_stat(Id, IndId, PtnId,
93                    "space utilization"))
94                , DPCR = convert(decimal(5, 4),
95                derived_stat(Id, IndId, PtnId, "dpcr"))
96                , DRCR = convert(decimal(5, 4),
97                derived_stat(Id, IndId, PtnId, "drcr"))
98                , IPCR = convert(decimal(5, 4),
99                derived_stat(Id, IndId, PtnId, "ipcr"))
100               , LGIO = convert(decimal(5, 4),
101               derived_stat(Id, IndId, PtnId, "lgio"))
102           where OwnerName = user_name()
103               or charindex("sa_role", show_role()) > 0
105           if (@@error != 0)
106               return (@@error)
108           /* 
109           ** Compute and update current value for some space related metrics
110           ** like extent utilization (ratio of the pages in use to the pages
111           ** reserved), PctEmptyPages (ratio of the empty	pages to the total 
112           ** pages in use), PctFwdRows (ratio of the number of forwarded rows to
113           ** the total rows respectively). 
114           */
115           update #spaceusageinfo
116           set ExtentUtil = convert(decimal(5, 2),
117               case RsvdPageCount
118                   when 0 then 0
119                   else UsedPageCount * 100.0 / RsvdPageCount
120               end)
122               , PctEmptyPages = convert(decimal(5, 2),
123               case
124                   when DataPageCount = 0 then 0
125                   when (EmptyPageCount / DataPageCount) > 9.99
126                   then 999.99
127                   else EmptyPageCount * 100.0 / DataPageCount
128               end)
129               , PctFwdRows = convert(decimal(5, 2),
130               case NumRows
131                   when 0 then 0
132                   else NumFwdRows * 100.0 / NumRows
133               end)
135           if (@@error != 0)
136               return (@@error)
138           update #spaceusageinfo
139           set NumVarCols = (select count(*)
140                   from syscolumns i
141                   where = #spaceusageinfo.Id
142                       and i.offset < 0)
144           if (@@error != 0)
145               return (@@error)
147           /*
148           ** For data layer pages (indid = 0), calculate the space per page 
149           ** available as follows.
150           **
151           ** Adjust for the page header, to get the actual row-storage space on
152           ** a page. 
153           **
154           ** Apply fill factor as follows:
155           **	APL table with CI (indid = 1), if value stored in sysindexes for
156           **	indid 1, use it. If not, use the server wide default value.
157           **	
158           **	DOL table (indid=0), if value stored in sysindexes for indid 0,
159           **	use it. If not, fully pack it.
160           ** 
161           ** Apply expected row size as follows:
162           **	Applicable only for DOL tables with variable length columns. 
163           **
164           **	If set to 0, use the server wide default expected row size
165           **	percent to leave space in each row for expanding rows.
166           **
167           **	If set to 1, we fully pack the data page.
168           **
169           **	If set to any other value, then it will be taken care of later
170           **	(w.r.t to data row size value)
171           */
172           update #spaceusageinfo
173           set SpacePerPage = (@@maxpagesize - @aplpagehdrsize)
174               *
175               (case FF
176                   when NULL then 1
177                   when 0 then @syscur_ffactor
178                   else FF / 100.0
179               end)
180           where IndId = 0
181               and LockScheme = 0 -- APL table
183           if (@@error != 0)
184               return (@@error)
186           update #spaceusageinfo
187           set SpacePerPage = (@@maxpagesize - @dolpagehdrsize)
188               *
189               (case FF
190                   when NULL then 1
191                   when 0
192                   then case
193                       when NumVarCols > 0
194                           and ERS = 0
195                       then (1 - @syscur_ers_pct)
196                       else 1
197                   end
198                   else FF / 100.0
199               end)
200           where IndId = 0
201               and LockScheme != 0 -- non-APL, i.e., DOL table
203           if (@@error != 0)
204               return (@@error)
206           /* 
207           ** Calculate the number of data rows that can fit a single page based on
208           ** the space available per page for rows and the row size.
209           **
210           ** For DOL tables, if ERS is set [to a value other than 0/1], inserts
211           ** reserve that much space for the row even if currently it is smaller
212           ** in size in case the table has variable length columns. 
213           **
214           ** Figure in a 2-byte offset table overhead.
215           */
216           update #spaceusageinfo
217           set CalcRowsPerPage = SpacePerPage / (case LockScheme
218                   when 0 then RowSize
219                   else case --DOL
220                           when ERS is not NULL
221                               and ERS != 0
222                               and ERS != 1
223                               and ERS > RowSize
224                               and NumVarCols > 0
225                           then ERS
226                           else RowSize
227                       end
228               end
229               + 2) -- Row offset entry size
230           where IndId = 0
232           if (@@error != 0)
233               return (@@error)
235           /*
236           ** For APL tables, if MRPP is set, it limits the no of rows that can fit
237           ** a page. Also, an APL table can not have more than 256 rows per page.
238           */
239           update #spaceusageinfo
240           set CalcRowsPerPage = case
241                   when MRPP != 0
242                       and MRPP < CalcRowsPerPage
243                   then MRPP
244                   else case
245                           when CalcRowsPerPage > 256.0
246                           then 256.0
247                           else CalcRowsPerPage
248                       end
249               end
250           where IndId = 0 and LockScheme = 0 -- APL data layer
252           if (@@error != 0)
253               return (@@error)
255           /*
256           ** Update the temp table to get the estimated data layer pages that
257           ** would be required if this were a fully packed table. 
258           **
259           ** If the number of rows in the table is 0, then the expected data pages
260           ** for the data layer is 1.
261           */
262           update #spaceusageinfo
263           set ExpDataPageCount = case NumRows
264                   when 0 then 1
265                   else ceiling(NumRows / CalcRowsPerPage)
266               end
267           where IndId = 0
269           if (@@error != 0)
270               return (@@error)
272           /* 
273           ** Estimate number of used pages based on the data page estimate
274           ** assuming the same number of pages will be used for internal 
275           ** structures as are being used currently.
276           */
277           update #spaceusageinfo
278           set ExpUsedPageCount = ExpDataPageCount + (UsedPageCount
279               - DataPageCount)
280           where IndId = 0
282           if (@@error != 0)
283               return (@@error)
285           /* 
286           ** For the text/image index [indid = 255] there isn't a way to estimate
287           ** the number of data/used pages. So, set it to	DataPageCount/
288           ** UsedPageCount.
289           */
290           update #spaceusageinfo
291           set ExpDataPageCount = DataPageCount
292               , ExpUsedPageCount = UsedPageCount
293           where IndId = 255
295           if (@@error != 0)
296               return (@@error)
298           /*
299           ** Set the non-leaf row size for indid > 0 except for the text/image
300           ** index[indid = 255].
301           **
302           ** For APL tables, the non-leaf row is same as leaf row for CI, and
303           ** has an additional 4 byte pointer [to an index page] in case of NCI.
304           **
305           ** Ignoring the suffix compression at non-leaf levels and the duplicate
306           ** key handling at the leaf level, in DOL tables, the non-leaf rows has
307           ** a 4 byte pointer in place of the 6 byte RID of the leaf rows.
308           **
309           ** NOTE: For indid = 1, leaf row size is not maintained and will be
310           ** computed later. This step will actually set it is as data row size.
311           **
312           */
313           update #spaceusageinfo
314           set NonLeafRowSize = case LockScheme
315                   when 0 then (case IndId
316                       when 1 then (RowSize)
317                       else (RowSize + 4)
318                   end)
319                   else (RowSize - 6 + 4)
320               end
321           where IndId > 0 and IndId != 255
323           if (@@error != 0)
324               return (@@error)
326           /*
327           ** Compute/Estimate the ExpDataPageCount for the index layer [indid>0]
328           **
329           ** Steps involved -
330           ** 	1. set the #indexData table [by selecting from #spaceusageinfo 
331           **	   into it]. at this point, the leaf and non-leaf row sizes are
332           **	   already computed and set. sp_index_space_est will compute the
333           **	   leaf and non-leaf rows per page values internally based on 
334           **	   them.
335           **
336           **	2. go thru each  threesome and pass it to the
337           ** 	   sp_index_space_est. this sproc would set the data pages and
338           **	   used pages for this  threesome in the
339           **	   #indexData table appropriately.
340           **
341           **	3. set the ExpDataPageCount and ExpUsedPageCount in 
342           **	   #spaceusageinfo table for the index accordingly.
343           **
344           */
346           /*			STEP 1.	
347           ** Create and populate the #indexData table required by the sproc
348           ** sp_index_space_est which will be used to calculate the 
349           ** ExpDataPageCount, ExpUsedPageCount, ExpRsvdPageCount for the	index 
350           ** layer [indid >0]
351           */
352           select Id as id
353               , IndId as indid
354               , PtnId as ptnid
355               , IndexName as name
356               , "" as type
357               , - 1 as indexlevel
358               , convert(smallint NULL, FF) as ffactor
359               , convert(smallint NULL, MRPP) as maxrowsperpage
360               , convert(int NULL, 0) as datalayerpages
361               , convert(float NULL, NumRows) as numrows
362               , convert(float NULL, RowSize) as leafrowsize
363               , convert(float NULL, NonLeafRowSize) as nonleafrowsize
364               , convert(tinyint NULL, LockScheme) as lockscheme
365               , 0 as numofdatapages
366               , convert(float, 0) as datasizeinkb
367               , 0 as numofusedpages
368               , convert(float, 0) as usedsizeinkb
369           into #indexData
370           from #spaceusageinfo
371           where IndId > 0
372               and IndId != 255
374           if (@@error != 0)
375               return (@@error)
377           /* 
378           ** Create a unique index on #indexData in order to create an updatable
379           ** cursor on it.
380           */
381           create unique index uind on #indexData(id, indid, ptnid, indexlevel)
383           if (@@error != 0)
384               return (@@error)
386           /*			STEP 2.	
387           ** Compute the no. of index pages and used pages for the indices one at
388           ** a time using the sp_index_space_est sproc.
389           */
390           declare indexcursor cursor for
391           select id, indid, ptnid, lockscheme
392           from #indexData
393           where indexlevel = @dummyindexlevel
394           for update
396           open indexcursor
398           while (1 = 1)
399           begin -- {
401               -- Go to the next  quad.
402               fetch indexcursor into @objid, @indid, @ptnid, @lockscheme
404               if @@sqlstatus != 0
405                   break
407               -- For indid = 1, the index row size is not maintained. So, we
408               -- will use the sproc sp_index_row_size_est to get a rough 
409               -- estimate for it.
410               --
411               if @indid = 1
412               begin -- {
413                   exec @returnStatus = sp_index_row_size_est
414                       @objid
415                       , @indid
416                       , @lockscheme
417                       , NULL
418                       , @indexrowsize out
420                   if @returnStatus != 0
421                       return (@returnStatus)
423                   -- Update the leaf row size and non leaf row size with
424                   -- the estimated index row size both for #indexData 
425                   -- [needed for index space estimate] and #spaceusageinfo
426                   -- [needed as it is the repository for all the collected
427                   -- data]
428                   --
429                   update #indexData
430                   set leafrowsize = @indexrowsize
431                       , nonleafrowsize = @indexrowsize
432                   where id = @objid
433                       and indid = @indid
434                       and ptnid = @ptnid
435                       and indexlevel = @dummyindexlevel
437                   if (@@error != 0)
438                       return (@@error)
440                   update #spaceusageinfo
441                   set RowSize = @indexrowsize
442                       , NonLeafRowSize = @indexrowsize
443                   where Id = @objid
444                       and IndId = @indid
445                       and PtnId = @ptnid
447                   if (@@error != 0)
448                       return (@@error)
450               end --} -- End of if 
452               -- Fetch the data partition id corresponding to the index. 
453               select @datapartitionid = DataPtnId
454               from #spaceusageinfo
455               where Id = @objid
456                   and IndId = @indid
457                   and PtnId = @ptnid
459               if (@datapartitionid = 0)
460               begin
462                   -- Global, unpartitioned index covering all data
463                   -- partitions.
464                   --
465                   select @datalayerpages = sum(ExpDataPageCount)
466                       , @numrowscovered = sum(NumRows)
467                   from #spaceusageinfo
468                   where Id = @objid
469                       and IndId = 0
470               end
471               else
472               begin
474                   -- Local, partitioned index covering a single 
475                   -- partition.
476                   --
477                   -- APL CI are on same partition as the data they cover
478                   -- For them the partition ID and the data partition ID
479                   -- would always match.
480                   --
481                   select @datalayerpages = ExpDataPageCount
482                       , @numrowscovered = NumRows
483                   from #spaceusageinfo
484                   where Id = @objid
485                       and IndId = 0
486                       and PtnId = @datapartitionid
487               end
489               update #indexData
490               set datalayerpages = @datalayerpages
491                   , numrows = @numrowscovered
492               where id = @objid
493                   and indid = @indid
494                   and ptnid = @ptnid
495                   and indexlevel = @dummyindexlevel
497               if (@@error != 0)
498                   return (@@error)
500               -- Get the index space estimate for the 
501               -- threesome.
502               --
503               exec @returnStatus = sp_index_space_est @objid, @indid, @ptnid
505               if @returnStatus != 0
506                   return (@returnStatus)
508               -- Consolidate the result. 
509               -- 
510               -- sp_index_space_est sums up all the index layer data and used
511               -- pages for each level and sets the numofdatapages and 
512               -- numofusedpages columns for the indexlevel = -1 row with that
513               -- value. We set ExpDataPageCount and ExpUsedPageCount of 
514               -- #spaceusageinfo table to those values.
515               --
516               update #spaceusageinfo
517               set ExpDataPageCount = (select numofdatapages
518                       from #indexData
519                       where id = @objid
520                           and indid = @indid
521                           and ptnid = @ptnid
522                           and indexlevel =
523                           @dummyindexlevel)
524                   , ExpIndexHeight = (select max(indexlevel)
525                       from #indexData
526                       where id = @objid
527                           and indid = @indid
528                           and ptnid = @ptnid)
530               where Id = @objid
531                   and IndId = @indid
532                   and PtnId = @ptnid
534               if (@@error != 0)
535                   return (@@error)
537               -- Instead of using the numofusedpages from #indexData as the
538               -- estimate for ExpUsedPageCount, use the current internal
539               -- structure overhead (UsedPageCount - DataPageCount) and add it
540               -- to ExpDataPageCount to get the ExpUsedPageCount.
541               --
542               update #spaceusageinfo
543               set ExpUsedPageCount = ExpDataPageCount +
544                   (UsedPageCount - DataPageCount)
545               where Id = @objid
546                   and IndId = @indid
547                   and PtnId = @ptnid
549               if (@@error != 0)
550                   return (@@error)
552               -- Set the ExpLeafPageCount of #spaceusageinfo table. For indid
553               -- 1, the leaf pages are same as the data pages.
554               --
555               update #spaceusageinfo
556               set ExpLeafPageCount = case IndId
557                       when 1 then 0
558                       else (select numofdatapages
559                               from #indexData
560                               where id = @objid
561                                   and indid = @indid
562                                   and ptnid = @ptnid
563                                   and indexlevel = 0)
564                   end
565               where Id = @objid
566                   and IndId = @indid
567                   and PtnId = @ptnid
569               if (@@error != 0)
570                   return (@@error)
572           end -- } 	-- End of while 
574           close indexcursor
575           deallocate cursor indexcursor
577           /*
578           ** Go back and update expected reserved pages rounding up the expected
579           ** data pages to a multiple of # of extents.
580           **
581           ** Incorporate the reserve page gap as follows. For CI, RPG applies
582           ** to both the data and index pages and for NCI it applies to only
583           ** data pages and leaf level pages.
584           */
585           update #spaceusageinfo
586           set ExpRsvdPageCount = ceiling((ExpUsedPageCount
587                   + case RPG
588                       when 0 then 0.0
589                       else
590                           ceiling(
591                               (1.0 / RPG) *
592                               case
593                                   when IndId <= 1
594                                   then ExpUsedPageCount
595                                   else ExpLeafPageCount
596                               end
597                           )
598                   end
599                   ) / @numpagesPerExtent
600               ) * @numpagesPerExtent
602           if (@@error != 0)
603               return (@@error)
605           /*
606           ** Now that we have got the expected data/reserved page counts,
607           ** compute the %age bloat values.
608           */
609           update #spaceusageinfo
610           set PctBloatRsvdPages = (convert(float, (RsvdPageCount
611               - ExpRsvdPageCount))
612               / ExpRsvdPageCount) * 100
613               , PctBloatUsedPages = (convert(float, (UsedPageCount
614               - ExpUsedPageCount))
615               / ExpUsedPageCount) * 100
616           where ExpUsedPageCount > 0
618           update #spaceusageinfo
619           set PctBloatLeafPages = (convert(float, (LeafPageCount
620               - ExpLeafPageCount))
621               / ExpLeafPageCount) * 100
622           where ExpLeafPageCount > 0
624           if (@@error != 0)
625               return (@@error)
627           /*
628           ** Raise a warning message if the values were found suspicious.
629           **
630           ** This message might come up often when space parameters are set. This
631           ** is because the procedure takes them into account even though they
632           ** might have not been applied yet.
633           **
634           ** Also, the expected reserved pages may be off by the number of extent0
635           ** extents allocated to the object because the AP in extent0 is counted
636           ** by our estimates whereas in reality that is not the case. There's no
637           ** way to get this number for an object, we assume it to be 1 here. The
638           ** variable @numextent0 should be changed appropriately if this number
639           ** is tracked, or can be derived, in future.
640           */
641           if exists (select 1
642                   from #spaceusageinfo
643                   where (PctBloatRsvdPages < 0
644                           and (ExpRsvdPageCount - RsvdPageCount) >
645                           @numextent0
646                       )
647                       or PctBloatUsedPages < 0
648                       or PctBloatLeafPages < 0
649                       or PctFwdRows < 0
650                       or PctEmptyPages < 0
651                       or PctEmptyPages > 100
652                   )
653           begin
654               exec sp_getmessage 19532, @msg out
655               print @msg, "UPDATE [TABLE] STATISTICS"
656           end
658       end -- } 	-- }

exec sp_procxmode 'sp_spaceusage_object_populate', 'AnyMode'

Grant Execute on sp_spaceusage_object_populate to public
 MEST 4 Empty String will be replaced by Single Space 356
 MINU 4 Unique Index with nullable columns master..sysconfigures master..sysconfigures
 MTYP 4 Assignment type mismatch @row_size: int = float 418
 QPUI 4 Join or Sarg with Un-Rooted Partial Index Use SARG Candidate index: #indexData.uind unique
(id, indid, ptnid, indexlevel)
Intersection: {indexlevel}
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 142
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: int vs smallint 393
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: int vs smallint 435
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: int vs smallint 495
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: int vs smallint 522
 CUSU 3 Cursor updated through 'searched update': risk of halloween rows indexcursor 429
 CUSU 3 Cursor updated through 'searched update': risk of halloween rows indexcursor 489
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..sysconfigures  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..sp_spaceusage_object_populate  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..syscolumns  
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after update 609
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check return value of exec 654
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Begin-End Pair 20
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 105
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 106
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 125
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 135
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 136
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 144
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 145
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 183
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 184
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 203
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 204
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 232
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 233
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 252
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 253
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 269
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 270
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 282
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 283
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 295
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 296
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 315
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 316
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 323
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 324
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 374
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 375
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 383
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 384
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 398
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 421
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 437
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 438
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 447
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 448
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 459
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 497
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 498
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 506
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 534
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 535
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 549
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 550
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 569
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 570
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 602
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 603
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 624
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 625
 QAFM 3 Var Assignment from potentially many rows 57
 QAFM 3 Var Assignment from potentially many rows 61
 QAFM 3 Var Assignment from potentially many rows 453
 QAFM 3 Var Assignment from potentially many rows 481
 QJWT 3 Join or Sarg Without Index on temp table 141
 QPNC 3 No column in condition 103
 QPRI 3 Join or Sarg with Rooted Partial Index Use SARG Candidate index: #indexData.uind unique
(id, indid, ptnid, indexlevel)
Intersection: {ptnid, id, indid}
 QTLO 3 Top-Level OR 102
 QTLO 3 Top-Level OR 643
 CUPD 2 Updatable Cursor Marker (has for update clause) 391
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 517
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 524
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 558
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 641
 MSUC 2 Correlated Subquery Marker 139
 MTR1 2 Metrics: Comments Ratio Comments: 43% 18
 MTR2 2 Metrics: Cyclomatic Complexity Cyclo: 33 = 40dec - 9exi + 2 18
 MTR3 2 Metrics: Query Complexity Complexity: 236 18

reads table sybsystemprocs..syscolumns  
calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_index_row_size_est  
   reads table sybsystemprocs..syscolumns  
   reads table sybsystemprocs..sysindexes  
   reads table sybsystemprocs..sysobjects  
calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_index_space_est  
   reads table sybsystemprocs..sysindexes  
   reads table master..syscurconfigs (1)  
   read_writes table tempdb..#indexData (1) 
calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_getmessage  
   reads table master..sysmessages (1)  
   reads table master..syslanguages (1)  
   calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_validlang  
      reads table master..syslanguages (1)  
   reads table sybsystemprocs..sysusermessages  
read_writes table tempdb..#indexData (1) 
read_writes table tempdb..#spaceusageinfo (1) 
reads table master..sysconfigures (1)  

called by proc sybsystemprocs..sp_spaceusage_object  
   called by proc sybsystemprocs..sp_spaceusage