sybsystemprocssp_addtype  31 Aug 14Defects Dependencies

2     /* Sccsid = "%Z% generic/sproc/src/%M% %I% %G%" */
4     /*
5     ** Messages for "sp_addtype"            17300
6     **
7     ** 17300, "Usage: sp_addtype name, 'datatype' [,null | nonull | identity]"
8     ** 17301, "'%1!' is not a valid type name."
9     ** 17302, "A type with the specified name already exists."
10    ** 17303, "Physical datatype does not exist."
11    ** 17304, "User-defined datatypes based on the 'timestamp' datatype are not allowed."
12    ** 17305, "Physical datatype does not allow nulls."
13    ** 17306, "Physical type is fixed length. You cannot specify the length."
14    ** 17307, "You must specify a length with this physical type.
15    ** 17308, "Illegal length specified -- must be between 1 and %1!."
16    ** 17309, "Type added."
17    ** 17751, "Illegal precision specified -- must be between 1 and 38."
18    ** 17752, "Illegal scale specified -- must be less than precision and positive."
19    ** 17754, "Illegal precision specified -- must be between 1 and 48."
21    ** 17756, "The execution of the stored procedure '%1!' in database
22    ** 	   '%2!' was aborted because there was an error in writing the
23    ** 	   replication log record."
24    ** 18302, "User '%1!' is not a valid user in the '%2!' database."
25    ** 18773, "HA_LOG: HA consistency check failure in '%1!' on the companion server '%2!'"
26    ** 18786, "A type with name '%1!' or id '%2!' already exists."
27    */
29    /* 
30    ** IMPORTANT: Please read the following instructions before
31    **   making changes to this stored procedure.
32    **
33    **	To make this stored procedure compatible with High Availability (HA),
34    **	changes to certain system tables must be propagated 
35    **	to the companion server under some conditions.
36    **	The tables include (but are not limited to):
37    **		syslogins, sysservers, sysattributes, systimeranges,
38    **		sysresourcelimits, sysalternates, sysdatabases,
39    **		syslanguages, sysremotelogins, sysloginroles,
40    **		sysalternates (master DB only), systypes (master DB only),
41    **		sysusers (master DB only), sysprotects (master DB only)
42    **	please refer to the HA documentation for detail.
43    **
44    **	Here is what you need to do: 
45    **	For each insert/update/delete statement, add three sections to
46    **	-- start HA transaction prior to the statement
47    **	-- add the statement
48    **	-- add HA synchronization code to propagate the change to the companion
49    **
50    **	For example, if you are adding 
51    **		insert master.dbo.syslogins ......
52    **	the code should look like:
53    **	1. Before that SQL statement:
54    **		
55    **	2. Now, the SQL statement:
56    **		insert master.dbo.syslogins ......
57    **	3. Add a HA synchronization section right after the SQL statement:
58    **		
59    **
60    **	You may need to do similar change for each built-in function you
61    **	want to add.
62    **
63    **	After that, you need to add a separate part at a place where it can not
64    **	be reached by the normal execution path:
65    **	clean_all:
66    **		
67    **		return (1)
68    */
70    create procedure sp_addtype
71        @typename varchar(255), /* name of user-defined type */
72        @phystype varchar(80), /* physical system type of user-defined type */
73        @nulltype varchar(8) = "1" /* default is database 'allow null' default */
74    as
76        declare @len int /* length of user type */
77        declare @type tinyint /* typeid of physical type */
78        declare @tlen int /* length of physical type */
79        declare @typeid smallint /* user typeid of physical type */
80        declare @var bit /* is physical type variable length? */
81        declare @nonull bit /* default is to allow NO NULLs */
82        declare @nullegal bit /* does physical type allow NULLs? */
83        declare @msg varchar(1024)
84        declare @prec int /* precision of the datatype */
85        declare @scale int /* scale of the datatype */
86        declare @tprec tinyint /* precision of the datatype read from systypes */
87        declare @tscale tinyint /* scale of the datatype read from systypes */
88        declare @u_identity tinyint /* does user type have identity property? */
89        declare @hierarchy tinyint /* hierarchy level of the datatype */
90        declare @index int /* index of blank char in the string of datatype*/
91        declare @rest varchar(80) /* string that holds the temporay portion of the datatype.*/
92        declare @nulldefault int /* 'allow null' database default */
93        declare @nationalchar int /* national character type is specified */
94        declare @logexec int /* For the logexec call */
95        declare @saved_phystype varchar(80) /* Saved @phystype parameter. This will be
96        ** restored before logging for replication.
97        ** This is necessary because @phystype is
98        ** modified.
99        */
100       declare @dbname varchar(255)
101       declare @uid int
102       declare @insert_typeid smallint
103       declare @HA_CERTIFIED tinyint /* Is the SP HA certified ? */
104       declare @MAXSYSTYPEID int /* maximum user type id for a system type */
105       declare @retstat int
106       declare @maxlen int
109       if @@trancount = 0
110       begin
111           set chained off
112       end
114       select @HA_CERTIFIED = 0
115       select @MAXSYSTYPEID = 100 /* maximum user type id for a system type */
120       /* check to see if we are using HA specific SP for a HA enabled server */
121       exec @retstat = sp_ha_check_certified 'sp_addtype', @HA_CERTIFIED
122       if (@retstat != 0)
123           return (1)
126       set transaction isolation level 1
127       /*
128       **  Does the user type allow NULLs?  Now, the default is to 
129       **  use the 'allow null' option setting for the current database.
130       **  This is the same default the create table statement uses.
131       */
132       if @nulltype = "1"
133       begin
134           /*
135           ** Get database 'allow null default. @nulldefault = 0
136           ** means 'not null allowed' is database default.
137           **
138           ** 17069, "allow nulls by default"
139           **
140           ** Make sure not to get the internationalized message
141           ** by "us_english" parameter, even if client is using
142           ** an alternative language. This is because spt_values
143           ** has an us_english message only, even if an alternative
144           ** language is installed.
145           */
147           exec sp_getmessage 17069, @msg output, "us_english"
149           select @nulldefault = (a.number & b.status)
150           from master.dbo.spt_values a, master.dbo.sysdatabases b
151           where = @msg and = db_name()
152           if (@nulldefault = 0)
153               select @nonull = 1
154           else
155               select @nonull = 0
156           select @u_identity = 0
157       end
158       else if lower(@nulltype) = "null" or @nulltype is null
159       begin
160           select @nonull = 0
161           select @u_identity = 0
162       end
163       else if lower(@nulltype) = "identity"
164       begin
165           select @nonull = 1
166           select @u_identity = 1
167       end
168       else if lower(@nulltype) in ("not null", "nonull")
169       begin
170           select @nonull = 1
171           select @u_identity = 0
172       end
173       else
174       begin
175           /*
176           ** 17300, "Usage: sp_addtype name, 'datatype' [,null | nonull | identity]"
177           */
178           raiserror 17300
179           return (1)
180       end
182       /*
183       **  Check to see that the @typename is valid.
184       */
185       select @maxlen = length from syscolumns
186       where id = object_id("systypes")
187           and name = "name"
189       if valid_name(@typename, @maxlen) = 0
190       begin
191           /*
192           ** 17301, "'%1!' is not a valid type name."
193           */
194           raiserror 17301, @typename
195           return (1)
196       end
198       /*
199       ** Check to see if the type already exists. In addition to the 
200       ** types in systypes we need to also check for their capitalized 
201       ** version (for system types) and alternative names for system types
202       ** such as integer for int.
203       */
204       if exists (select *
205               from systypes
206               where name = @typename or
207                   (name = lower(@typename) and usertype < @MAXSYSTYPEID) or
208                   (lower(@typename) in ('integer', 'character')))
210       begin
211           /*
212           ** 17302, "A type with the specified name already exists."
213           */
214           raiserror 17302
215           return (1)
216       end
218       /* Save the original value of @phystype. We'll need it if we have
219       ** to log this invocation for replication.
220       */
221       select @saved_phystype = @phystype
223       /* Make physical typename all lower case to ensure case insensitivity. */
224       select @phystype = lower(@phystype)
226       /* initialize the length to be NULL first. */
227       select @len = NULL
228       /*
229       ** If precision and scale were given with the type extract them
230       */
231       if @phystype like "_%(_%,_%)"
232       begin
233           select @prec = convert(int, substring(@phystype,
234                   charindex("(", @phystype) + 1,
235                   charindex(",", @phystype) - 1 - charindex("(", @phystype)))
237           select @scale = convert(int, substring(@phystype,
238                   charindex(",", @phystype) + 1,
239                   charindex(")", @phystype) - 1 - charindex(",", @phystype)))
240           /*
241           ** Extract the physical type name 
242           */
243           select @phystype = substring(@phystype, 1,
244                   charindex("(", @phystype) - 1)
245       end
246       else
248       /*
249       **  If a length was given with the user datatype, extract it.
250       **  This could also be the precision, at this time assume it's the length
251       **  we'll decide later whether it's the length or precision.
252       **  If the length is not specified, @len will be assigned to NULL by
253       **  the function convert(). Note that like "_%(%)" can match the string
254       **  of phystype(length) or phystype(), such as binary(8) or binary().
255       */
256       if @phystype like "_%(%)"
257       begin
258           select @len = convert(int, substring(@phystype,
259                   charindex("(", @phystype) + 1,
260                   charindex(")", @phystype) - 1 - charindex("(", @phystype)))
262           /*
263           ** Extract the physical type name 
264           */
265           select @phystype = substring(@phystype, 1,
266                   charindex("(", @phystype) - 1)
267       end
268       else
270       /*
271       ** If the type is an unsigned int then we only allow "unsigned int"  
272       ** not the systypes name uint.
273       */
274       if (@phystype in ("uint", "usmallint", "ubigint", "uintn"))
275       begin
276           /*
277           ** 17303, "Physical datatype does not exist."
278           */
279           raiserror 17303
280           return (1)
281       end
283       /*
284       ** Now, squeezes all consective space characters in the datatype string 
285       ** into one single space character. By doing this, sp_addtype can recognize
286       ** datatype, such as "   national      char    varying".
287       */
288       select @phystype = ltrim(rtrim(@phystype))
289       select @rest = @phystype
290       select @phystype = NULL
291       select @index = charindex(' ', @rest)
292       while (@index != 0)
293       begin
294           select @phystype = @phystype + substring(@rest, 1, @index - 1) + ' '
295           select @rest = ltrim(stuff(@rest, 1, @index, ''))
296           select @index = charindex(' ', @rest)
297       end
298       select @phystype = rtrim(@phystype + @rest)
300       /* 
301       ** Assgin value to @nationalchar before do the datatype mapping,
302       ** this value will be used when calculate the actual storage length.
303       */
305       if (@phystype in ("nchar", "nvarchar", "national char", "national character",
306                   "nchar varying", "national char varying", "national character varying"))
307       begin
308           select @nationalchar = 1
309       end
310       else
311       begin
312           select @nationalchar = 0
313       end
315       /*
316       **  Do the following datatypes mapping now.
317       **  "character"--> "char"; "nchar"--> "char"; 
318       **  "[national] char[acter] varying"--> "varchar"; "nchar varying"-->"varchar";
319       **  "dec" ---> "decimal";  "integer"---> "int"; "double precision" --> "float";
320       **  Map the default length of datatype "char" ,"varchar", "binary", "varbinary"
321       **  and their various synonyms to 1.
322       */
323       if (@phystype in ("char", "character", "nchar", "national char",
324                   "national character"))
325       begin
326           select @phystype = "char"
327           /*
328           ** If len is not specified, supply the default length to be 1.
329           */
330           if (@len is NULL) select @len = 1
331       end
332       else
333       if (@phystype in ("varchar", "nvarchar", "nchar varying", "char varying",
334                   "character varying", "national char varying", "national character varying"))
335       begin
336           select @phystype = "varchar"
337           /*
338           ** If len is not specified, supply the default length to be 1.
339           */
340           if (@len is NULL) select @len = 1
341       end
342       else
343       if (@phystype in ("univarchar", "unichar varying",
344                   "unicode character varying", "unicode char varying"))
345       begin
346           select @phystype = "univarchar"
347           /*
348           ** If len is not specified, supply the default length to be 1.
349           */
350           if (@len is NULL) select @len = 1
351       end
352       else
353       if (@phystype in ("unichar", "unicode char", "unicode character"))
354       begin
355           select @phystype = "unichar"
356           /*
357           ** If len is not specified, supply the default length to be 1.
358           */
359           if (@len is NULL) select @len = 1
360       end
361       else
362       if ((@phystype in ("binary", "varbinary")) and (@len is NULL))
363           /*
364           ** If len is not specified, supply the default length to be 1.
365           */
366           select @len = 1
367       else
368       if (@phystype = "unsigned integer") select @phystype = "uint"
369       else
370       if (@phystype = "unsigned int") select @phystype = "uint"
371       else
372       if (@phystype = "unsigned smallint") select @phystype = "usmallint"
373       else
374       if (@phystype = "unsigned bigint") select @phystype = "ubigint"
375       else
376       if (@phystype = "integer") select @phystype = "int"
377       else
378       if (@phystype = "double precision") select @phystype = "float"
379       else
380       if (@phystype = "dec") select @phystype = "decimal"
381       else
382       /*
383       ** If len for float datatype is specified, then the range must
384       ** be between 1 to 48. If len specified is <= 15, map the type
385       ** to real, otherwise map the type to float.
386       */
387       if (@phystype = "float") and (@len is not NULL)
388       begin
389           if (@len < 1 or @len > 48)
390           begin
391               raiserror 17754
392               return (1)
393           end
394           else
395           begin
396               if (@len <= 15) select @phystype = "real"
397               select @len = NULL
398           end
399       end
401       /*
402       **  Make sure that the physical type exists and get its characteristics.
403       **  DataServer physical types have a usertype < 100 and are owned by the
404       **  dbo (userid = 1).
405       **  Datatypes datetimn, decimaln, floatn, intn, moneyn, numericn, daten
406       **  bigdatetimen, bigtimen, and timen are not supported to users.
407       **  Those datatypes must be invisible to users.
408       */
409       select @type = type, @tlen = length, @typeid = usertype,
410           @var = variable, @nullegal = allownulls, @tprec = prec,
411           @tscale = scale, @hierarchy = hierarchy
412       from systypes
413       where usertype < 100 and name = @phystype and uid = 1
414           and @phystype not in ('datetimn', 'decimaln', 'floatn', 'timen',
415               'intn', 'moneyn', 'numericn', 'daten',
416               'bigdatetimen', 'bigtimen')
418       if @type is NULL
419       begin
420           /*
421           ** 17303, "Physical datatype does not exist."
422           */
423           raiserror 17303
424           return (1)
425       end
427       /*
428       **  Disallow user-defined datatypes on timestamps.  This is done because
429       **  a timestamp is not a basic type but is really a binary.  There is,
430       **  therefore, no way to tell if a user-defined datatype is mapped to
431       **  a binary or a timestamp.  Timestamps can't have rules or defaults.
432       */
433       if @phystype = "timestamp"
434       begin
435           /*
436           ** 17304, "User-defined datatypes based on the 'timestamp' datatype are not allowed."
437           */
438           raiserror 17304
439           return (1)
440       end
442       /*
443       **  Check if the NULL status of the user type is consistent with the NULL status
444       **  of the physical type.  Here are the possible cases.
445       **
446       **		   physical type
447       **		  NULLs	  NONULLs
448       **	        -----------------
449       ** user	NULLs	|  ok	|  no
450       ** type NONULLs	|  ok	|  ok
451       */
452       if @nonull = 0 and @nullegal = 0
453       begin
454           /*
455           ** 17305, "Physical datatype does not allow nulls."
456           */
457           raiserror 17305
458           return (1)
459       end
461       /*
462       **  We'll use the variable @nullegal when we update the systypes table
463       **  so we need to set it to reflect if NULLs are allowed (@nonull = 0)
464       **  or NO NULLs are allowed (@nonull = 1).
465       */
466       if @nonull = 0
467       begin
468           select @nullegal = 1
469       end
470       else
471       begin
472           select @nullegal = 0
473       end
475       /* Decide about precision, scale, length 
476       ** First check fro NUMERIC, DECIMAL
477       */
478       if (@typeid = 26) or (@typeid = 10)
479       begin
480           /* Type is NUMERIC or DECIMAL */
482           if @len > 0
483           begin
484               /* Length is really the precision 
485               ** Since no scale is specified then scale
486               ** is minimum(Default, precision). Default = 4
487               */
488               select @prec = @len
489               select @scale = 0
491           end
492           else
493           begin
494               if (@prec is NULL)
495               begin
496                   select @prec = 18
497                   select @scale = 0
498               end
499           end
503           if (@prec > 38) or (@prec < 1)
504           begin
505               /*
506               ** 17751, "Illegal precision specified -- must be between 1 and 38."
507               */
508               raiserror 17751
509               return (1)
510           end
512           if (@scale > @prec) or (@scale < 0)
513           begin
514               /*
515               ** 17752, "Illegal scale specified -- must be less than precision 
516               ** 	   and positive."
517               */
518               raiserror 17752
519               return (1)
520           end
522           /* Compute length from precision */
523           if (@prec <= 2)
524               select @len = 2
526           if (@prec > 2) and (@prec <= 4)
527               select @len = 3
529           if (@prec > 4) and (@prec <= 7)
530               select @len = 4
532           if (@prec > 7) and (@prec <= 9)
533               select @len = 5
535           if (@prec > 9) and (@prec <= 12)
536               select @len = 6
538           if (@prec > 12) and (@prec <= 14)
539               select @len = 7
541           if (@prec > 14) and (@prec <= 16)
542               select @len = 8
544           if (@prec > 16) and (@prec <= 19)
545               select @len = 9
547           if (@prec > 19) and (@prec <= 21)
548               select @len = 10
550           if (@prec > 21) and (@prec <= 24)
551               select @len = 11
553           if (@prec > 24) and (@prec <= 26)
554               select @len = 12
556           if (@prec > 26) and (@prec <= 28)
557               select @len = 13
559           if (@prec > 28) and (@prec <= 31)
560               select @len = 14
562           if (@prec > 31) and (@prec <= 33)
563               select @len = 15
565           if (@prec > 33) and (@prec <= 36)
566               select @len = 16
568           if (@prec > 36) and (@prec <= 38)
569               select @len = 17
570       end
571       else
572       begin
573           /*
574           **  Typeids 1 (char), 2 (varchar), 3 (binary), 4 (varbinary) 
575           **  24 (nchar), 25 (nvarchar), 34 (unichar), and 35 (univarchar)
576           **  only ones which allow a length to be specified.
577           */
578           if @typeid > 4 and @typeid not in (24, 25, 34, 35)
579           begin
580               /*
581               **  We can't use a length and we got one.
582               */
583               if @len > 0
584               begin
585                   /*
586                   ** 17306, "Physical type is fixed length. You cannot specify the length."
587                   */
588                   raiserror 17306
589                   return (1)
590               end
592               /*
593               **  Use the fixed length of the physical type.
594               */
595               select @len = @tlen
596           end
597           else
598           begin
599               /*
600               **  We need a length and we didn't get one.
601               */
602               if @len is NULL
603               begin
604                   /*
605                   ** 17307, "You must specify a length with this physical type. 
606                   */
607                   raiserror 17307
608                   return (1)
609               end
611               /*
612               ** If "nchar" or "nvarchar" is specified, caluculate the real length
613               */
615               if @nationalchar = 1
616                   select @len = @len * @@ncharsize
618               /*
619               ** If "unichar" or "univarchar", perform additinal checks
620               */
621               if (@phystype in ("unichar", "univarchar"))
622               begin
623                   select @len = @len * @@unicharsize
625                   if (@len <= 0 or @len > @@maxpagesize)
626                   begin
627                       /*
628                       ** 17308, "Illegal length specified -- must be between 1 and %1!."
629                       */
630                       select @len = @@maxpagesize / @@unicharsize
631                       raiserror 17308, @len
632                       return (1)
633                   end
634               end
635               else if @len <= 0 or @len > @@maxpagesize
636               begin
637                   /*
638                   ** 17308, "Illegal length specified -- must be between 1 and %1!."
639                   */
640                   raiserror 17308, @@maxpagesize
641                   return (1)
642               end
644           end
645       end
647       /* 
648       ** Check to make sure only numeric(x,0), integer, smallint and tinyint
649       ** types have identity property.
650       */
651       if @u_identity = 1
652       begin
653           if (@phystype = "numeric" and @scale != 0) or
654               (@phystype not in ("int", "smallint", "tinyint",
655                       "bigint", "ubigint", "uint", "usmallint", "numeric"))
656           begin
657               /*
658               ** 17755, "User types with the identity property must be integer,
659               **         smallint, tinyint or numeric with a scale of 0."
660               */
661               raiserror 17755
662               return (1)
663           end
664       end
667       /*
668       **  Finally, get the maximum existing user type so we use it + 1 for this
669       **  new type.
670       */
671       /*  Attention:
672       **	Please change the corresponding HA section when type ID generating
673       **	logic is changed here.
674       */
675       select @typeid = max(usertype)
676       from systypes
678       /*
679       **  There are no user defined types yet so use the first number (101).
680       */
681       if @typeid < 100
682           select @typeid = 100
683       else if (@typeid = 32767)
684       begin
685           print "All usertype ids have been used up"
686           return (1)
687       end
689       select @insert_typeid = @typeid + 1
691       select @uid = user_id()
695       /* 
696       ** This transaction also writes a log record for replicating the
697       ** invocation of this procedure. If logexec() fails, the transaction	
698       ** is aborted.
699       **
700       ** IMPORTANT: The name rs_logexec is significant and is used by
701       ** Replication Server.
702       */
703       begin transaction rs_logexec
707       insert systypes(uid, variable, type, length, tdefault,
708           domain, name, usertype, allownulls, prec, scale, ident,
709           hierarchy, accessrule)
710       select @uid, @var, @type, @len, 0, 0, @typename, @insert_typeid, @nullegal,
711           @prec, @scale, @u_identity, @hierarchy, 0
715       /*
716       ** The phystype parameter was changed so restore it's original value and
717       ** write the log record to replicate this invocation.
718       */
719       select @phystype = @saved_phystype
721       if (logexec() != 1)
722       begin
723           /*
724           ** 17756, "The execution of the stored procedure '%1!' in
725           ** 	   database '%2!' was aborted because there was an
726           ** 	   error in writing the replication log record."
727           */
728           select @dbname = db_name()
729           raiserror 17756, "sp_addtype", @dbname
731           rollback transaction rs_logexec
732           return (1)
733       end
737       commit transaction rs_logexec
739       /*
740       ** 17309, "Type added."
741       */
742       exec sp_getmessage 17309, @msg output
743       print @msg
745       return (0)
747   clean_all:
748       rollback transaction rs_logexec
749       return (1)

exec sp_procxmode 'sp_addtype', 'AnyMode'

Grant Execute on sp_addtype to public
 MURC 6 Unreachable Code 747
 MURC 6 Unreachable Code 748
 MURC 6 Unreachable Code 749
 MEST 4 Empty String will be replaced by Single Space 295
 MTYP 4 Assignment type mismatch prec: tinyint = int 711
 MTYP 4 Assignment type mismatch scale: tinyint = int 711
 QCAS 4 Cartesian product with single row between tables master..spt_values a and [master..sysdatabases b], 1 tables with rc=1 149
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 207
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch smallint = int 207
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 413
 TNOU 4 Table with no unique index master..spt_values master..spt_values
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..spt_values  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..sysdatabases  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..sp_addtype  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..syscolumns  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..systypes  
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check return value of exec 147
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 707
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check return value of exec 742
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 122
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 123
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 152
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 179
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 195
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 215
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 274
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 280
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 292
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 305
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 323
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 330
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 333
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 340
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 343
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 350
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 353
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 359
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 362
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 368
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 370
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 372
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 374
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 376
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 378
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 380
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 389
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 392
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 396
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 424
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 439
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 458
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 494
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 509
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 519
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 523
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 589
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 608
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 621
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 625
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 632
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 641
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 662
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 683
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 686
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 721
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 732
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 745
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 749
 QAFM 3 Var Assignment from potentially many rows 185
 QISO 3 Set isolation level 126
 QIWC 3 Insert with not all columns specified missing 3 columns out of 17 707
 QNAJ 3 Not using ANSI Inner Join 150
 QPNC 3 No column in condition 208
 QPNC 3 No column in condition 414
 QPRI 3 Join or Sarg with Rooted Partial Index Use SARG Candidate index: syscolumns.csyscolumns unique clustered
(id, number, colid)
Intersection: {id}
 QTLO 3 Top-Level OR 206
 VNRD 3 Variable is not read @tprec 410
 VNRD 3 Variable is not read @tscale 411
 VNRD 3 Variable is not read @phystype 719
 VUNU 3 Variable is not used @logexec 94
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 204
 MTR1 2 Metrics: Comments Ratio Comments: 53% 70
 MTR2 2 Metrics: Cyclomatic Complexity Cyclo: 90 = 106dec - 18exi + 2 70
 MTR3 2 Metrics: Query Complexity Complexity: 346 70

reads table master..spt_values (1)  
read_writes table sybsystemprocs..systypes  
reads table sybsystemprocs..syscolumns  
reads table master..sysdatabases (1)  
calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_getmessage  
   reads table master..sysmessages (1)  
   calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_validlang  
      reads table master..syslanguages (1)  
   reads table master..syslanguages (1)  
   reads table sybsystemprocs..sysusermessages  
calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_ha_check_certified  
   reads table tempdb..sysobjects (1)