Database | Proc | Application | Created | Links |
sybsystemprocs | sp_securityprofile ![]() | ![]() | 31 Aug 14 | Defects Dependencies |
1 2 /* 3 ** Messages for "sp_securityprofile" 4 ** 18435, "A default login profile does not exist." 5 ** 18999, "An error occurred while fetching data from a temporary table. If there are no other error messages and this error persists, please contact Sybase Technical Support." 6 ** 17031, "Login profile '%1!' does not exist." 7 */ 8 9 create procedure sp_securityprofile 10 @cmd varchar(10), 11 @type char(13) = NULL, 12 @name varchar(30) = NULL, 13 @bindobjtype char(5) = NULL, 14 @bindobjname varchar(30) = NULL 15 as 16 declare @lrname varchar(30) 17 , @lrstatus int 18 , @authmech varchar(15) 19 , @lrdefdb varchar(30) 20 , @lrdeflang varchar(30) 21 , @lrid int 22 , @lrrname varchar(30) 23 , @lrrid int 24 , @objname varchar(30) 25 , @deflrname varchar(30) 26 , @currlrid int 27 , @reqlrid int 28 , @reqstatus int 29 , @def_lp_status int 30 , @dopermcheck bit 31 , @dummy int 32 33 if (@cmd = 'help') 34 begin 35 goto usage 36 end 37 else if (@type = null) 38 begin 39 /* First 2 arguments are mandatory */ 40 goto usage 41 end 42 43 /* Initialize */ 44 select @dopermcheck = 0 45 select @currlrid = - 1 46 select @def_lp_status = 1024 47 48 /* Check if permission checks are needed. */ 49 if (@cmd = "bindings") 50 begin 51 select @dopermcheck = 1 52 end 53 else --{ 54 begin 55 /* Obtain the login profile id of the current login's login profile. */ 56 select @currlrid = lpid from master.dbo.syslogins 57 where name = suser_name() 58 /* If there is no profile directly associated, obtain the default. */ 59 if (@currlrid = NULL) 60 begin 61 select @currlrid = object from master.dbo.sysattributes 62 where class = 39 and attribute = 4 and 63 object_type = "LR" 64 65 if (@name = 'default' and @currlrid = NULL) 66 begin 67 /* 18435, "A default login profile does not exist." */ 68 raiserror 18435 69 return (1) 70 end 71 end 72 73 /* 74 ** There is no login profile associated either directly or by default 75 ** with the current user. 76 */ 77 if ((@currlrid = - 1) or (@currlrid = NULL)) 78 begin 79 select @dopermcheck = 1 80 end 81 else 82 begin 83 /* Check if requested login profile exists. */ 84 if ((@name != 'default') and 85 (not exists (select 1 from master.dbo.syslogins 86 where name like @name))) 87 begin 88 /* 17031, "Login profile '%1!' does not exist." */ 89 raiserror 17031, @name 90 return (1) 91 end 92 93 if (@name = 'default') 94 begin 95 /* Retreive the id of the default login profile. */ 96 select @reqlrid = object from master.dbo.sysattributes 97 where class = 39 and attribute = 4 and 98 object_type = "LR" 99 end 100 else 101 begin 102 /* Retreive the id of the specified login profile. */ 103 select @reqlrid = suid, @reqstatus = status 104 from master.dbo.syslogins 105 where name = @name 106 end 107 108 /* 109 ** Permission checks needs to be done when the requested 110 ** login profile (@name) is a wild card 111 ** or the current login is not associated with it. 112 ** No permission check required for default login profile. 113 */ 114 if ((@name != 'default') 115 and ((@reqstatus & @def_lp_status) != @def_lp_status) 116 and (@reqlrid != @currlrid)) 117 begin 118 select @dopermcheck = 1 119 end 120 end 121 end --} 122 /* Perform permission checks. */ 123 if (@dopermcheck = 1) 124 begin 125 /* 126 ** Check if we are the the SSO. If show_role() 127 ** does not find "sso_role" then we call proc_role() to print 128 ** a message and send the failure audit records if 129 ** necessary. 130 ** Note: show_role does not print any message. 131 */ 132 if (charindex("sso_role", show_role()) = 0) 133 begin 134 select @dummy = proc_role("sso_role") 135 return (1) 136 end 137 end 138 else 139 begin 140 /* 141 ** Call proc_role() for sso_role that the user has 142 ** in order to send the success audit records. 143 */ 144 if (charindex("sso_role", show_role()) > 0) 145 begin 146 select @dummy = proc_role("sso_role") 147 end 148 end 149 150 if (@cmd = "attributes") 151 begin --{ 152 /* Temporary table for displaying the attributes and their values. */ 153 create table #lrattrib(name varchar(30), value varchar(92)) 154 /* Check inputs. */ 155 if ((@type <> "login profile") or (@name = NULL)) 156 begin 157 goto usage 158 end 159 /* 160 ** Check if the attributes of a default login profile need to be 161 ** displayed. 162 */ 163 if (@name = "default") 164 begin --{ 165 /* Retreive the id of the default login profile. */ 166 select @lrid = object from master.dbo.sysattributes 167 where class = 39 and attribute = 4 and 168 object_type = "LR" 169 if (@lrid = NULL) 170 begin 171 /* 172 ** 18435, "A default login profile does not 173 ** exist." 174 */ 175 raiserror 18435 176 return (1) 177 end 178 select @lrname = name, @lrstatus = status, @lrdefdb = dbname, 179 @lrdeflang = language 180 from master.dbo.syslogins 181 where suid = @lrid 182 /* 183 ** Retreive the rest of the login profile attributes and store 184 ** them in #lrattrib 185 */ 186 exec sp_aux_securityprofile_getattr @lrid, @lrname, @lrstatus, 187 @lrdefdb, @lrdeflang 188 /* Display the attributes. */ 189 exec sp_autoformat @fulltabname = #lrattrib, 190 @selectlist = "'Name' = name, 'Value' = value" 191 end --} 192 else 193 begin --{ 194 if not exists (select 1 from master.dbo.syslogins 195 where name like @name) 196 begin 197 /* 17031, "Login profile '%1!' does not exist." */ 198 raiserror 17031, @name 199 return (1) 200 end 201 declare lrcur cursor 202 for select suid, name, status, dbname, language 203 from master.dbo.syslogins 204 where ((status & 512) = 512) and name like @name 205 for read only 206 open lrcur 207 fetch lrcur into @lrid, @lrname, @lrstatus, @lrdefdb, @lrdeflang 208 while (@@sqlstatus <> 2) 209 begin --{ 210 if (@@sqlstatus = 1) 211 begin --{ 212 /* 213 ** 18999, "An error occurred while fetching data from a temporary 214 ** table. If there are no other error messages and this error 215 ** persists, please contact Sybase Technical Support." 216 */ 217 raiserror 18999 218 close lrcur 219 deallocate cursor lrcur 220 return (1) 221 end --} 222 /* 223 ** Retreive the rest of the login profile attributes and 224 ** store them in #lrattrib 225 */ 226 exec sp_aux_securityprofile_getattr @lrid, @lrname, 227 @lrstatus, @lrdefdb, @lrdeflang 228 /* Display the attributes. */ 229 exec sp_autoformat @fulltabname = #lrattrib, 230 @selectlist = "'Name' = name, 'Value' = value" 231 truncate table #lrattrib 232 fetch lrcur into @lrid, @lrname, @lrstatus, @lrdefdb, 233 @lrdeflang 234 end --} 235 236 close lrcur 237 deallocate cursor lrcur 238 end --} 239 truncate table #lrattrib 240 return (0) 241 end --} 242 else if (@cmd = "bindings") 243 begin --{ 244 /* Check inputs. */ 245 if (((@bindobjtype != NULL) and (@bindobjtype != "login")) 246 or (@type <> "login profile") 247 or ((@bindobjtype = "login") and (@bindobjname = NULL))) 248 begin 249 goto usage 250 end 251 create table #lrbindings(lgname varchar(30), lrname varchar(30)) 252 /* The login name is optional. */ 253 if (@bindobjname = NULL) 254 begin 255 select @objname = "%" 256 end 257 else 258 begin 259 select @objname = @bindobjname 260 end 261 /* Retreive the id of the default login profile. */ 262 select @lrid = object from master.dbo.sysattributes 263 where class = 39 and attribute = 4 and 264 object_type = "LR" 265 /* 266 ** A default login profile must be defined if "default" clause is 267 ** used. 268 */ 269 if ((@lrid = NULL) and (@name = "default")) 270 begin 271 /* 272 ** 18435, "A default login profile does not exist." 273 */ 274 raiserror 18435 275 return (1) 276 end 277 if (@name = "default") 278 begin --{ 279 insert into #lrbindings(lgname, lrname) 280 select, 281 from master.dbo.syslogins lg, master.dbo.syslogins lr 282 where like @objname and lg.lpid = NULL and 283 lr.suid = @lrid and 284 /* Insert only logins in "lgname" */ 285 ((lg.status & 512) = 0) and 286 ( != "probe") 287 end --} 288 else 289 begin --{ 290 /* The login profile name is optional. */ 291 if (@name = NULL) 292 begin 293 select @lrname = "%" 294 end 295 else 296 begin 297 select @lrname = @name 298 end 299 /* 300 ** Store the login accounts that are directly associated with 301 ** a login profile. 302 */ 303 insert into #lrbindings(lgname, lrname) 304 select, 305 from master.dbo.syslogins lg, master.dbo.syslogins lr 306 where like @objname and like @lrname and 307 lg.lpid = lr.suid and 308 /* Insert only logins in "lgname" */ 309 ((lg.status & 512) = 0) and 310 ( != "probe") 311 312 /* Retreive the name of the default login profile. */ 313 select @deflrname = name from master.dbo.syslogins where suid = @lrid 314 /* 315 ** If the specified login profile name is a default login 316 ** profile, store the login bindings. 317 */ 318 insert into #lrbindings(lgname, lrname) 319 select, 320 from master.dbo.syslogins lg, master.dbo.syslogins lr 321 where like @objname and lg.lpid = NULL and 322 lr.suid = @lrid and @deflrname like @lrname and 323 /* Insert only logins in "lgname" */ 324 ((lg.status & 512) = 0) and 325 ( != "probe") 326 end --} 327 exec sp_autoformat @fulltabname = #lrbindings, 328 @selectlist = "'Login name' = lgname, 'Login profile name' = lrname", 329 @orderby = "ORDER BY lgname" 330 return (0) 331 end --} 332 else 333 begin 334 usage: 335 print "sp_securityprofile Usage: sp_securityprofile 'help'" 336 print "sp_securityprofile Usage: sp_securityprofile command, object" 337 print " [, option1 [, option2]]" 338 print "sp_securityprofile 'attributes', 'login profile'" 339 print " ,{wildcard | login_profile_name | 'default'}" 340 print "sp_securityprofile 'bindings', 'login profile'" 341 print " [, {wildcard | login_profile_name | 'default'}" 342 print " [, 'login',{wildcard | login name}]]" 343 if (@cmd = 'help' 344 and @type is null 345 and @name is null 346 and @bindobjtype is null 347 and @bindobjname is null) 348 begin 349 return (0) 350 end 351 else 352 begin 353 return (1) 354 end 355 end 356
exec sp_procxmode 'sp_securityprofile', 'AnyMode' go Grant Execute on sp_securityprofile to public go
PROCS AND TABLES USED calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_autoformat ![]() reads table master..systypes (1) ![]() reads table tempdb..syscolumns (1) ![]() read_writes table tempdb..#colinfo_af (1) calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_autoformat ![]() reads table master..syscolumns (1) ![]() reads table tempdb..systypes (1) ![]() calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_namecrack ![]() calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_aux_securityprofile_getattr ![]() reads table master..sysloginroles (1) ![]() writes table tempdb..#lrattrib (1) reads table master..sysattributes (1) ![]() reads table master..sysattributes (1) ![]() writes table tempdb..#lrbindings (1) writes table tempdb..#lrattrib (1) reads table master..syslogins (1) ![]() |